Vaccine achievement

While feeling a drought of joy and a flood of sadness just when this pandemic situation seems most dire, then in this special season a miracle has occurred.

Beyond belief we have a vaccine to protect us from this viral plague. Most astounding is that this coronavirus vaccine leapfrogs over the long process of past vaccine production. For instance, flu vaccine depended on isolating then growing under controlled conditions or incubating the organism then weakening or killing it so as when injected it would cause the body to make antibodies or immunity without causing the disease. 

Now, miraculously, this unique new coronavirus vaccine skips that long process birthing an unusual new type of vaccine never before created.

Instead scientists select a tiny particle of gene called RNA. Because this mirror image RNA much like a boss programs DNA, it is called a messenger or MRNA. Now comes the astonishment: this MRNA tricks the body into making the proper antibodies that fight the disease without causing the disease. RNA cannot cause the disease, DNA does that.  

All this can happen because of technology like gene mapping, electron microscopes, hypothetical proposals, relentless testing and dedication to humanity, health and science. Just imagine this vision of truth to continue the relentless pursuit of accomplishment.

Now in 2021, we truly possess hope to end this pandemic. So we will continue to wear masks, keep our distance, obtain more testing for contact location and isolation, and now receive our vaccine injection as soon as possible.

Mary Zanger


Some suffering is different

I’m compelled to respond to Randy Logue’s letter “All suffering is equal,” Jan. 1, 2021.

I agree with Randy that all business owners must take their businesses back. Back in February 2020, Jeffrey Le Towt complied, closing his restaurant Tuck Box Restaurant in Carmel. After six weeks, Jeffrey re-opened his restaurant. As I recall, he said he’s not playing the political or media game as they have a way of distorting the truth. Yes, again I agree with Randy in that lockdowns and masks precipitate fear and suspicion of others. 

I find all American people are followers, not leaders. No free thinkers or critical thinkers. People are willing to surrender their constitutional rights, civil liberties and Bill of Rights with NO fight. They follow all media sources as well as politicians which spread panic, fear, trepidation, fake news and untruths.   

My suffering is a bit different. It involves a human life. A 93-year-old loved one is a resident in one of our skilled nursing facilities. We haven’t had any physical contact since March 2020 when the facilities went on lockdown, using Covid-19 as an excuse. We, as well as all other residents have missed out on each other’s lives for 11 months. Residents as well as loved ones have missed out on birthdays, Easter, Mothers/Fathers Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years!! APPALLING!! This is the highest form of ABUSE, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, psychologically and social isolation. This has led to depression and mental illness. 

The residents along with their loved ones recite the PETA Prayer each night:

Unseen they suffer

Unheard they cry

In agony they linger

In loneliness they die

When you refuse to draw the line between cautious judgement and overkill, you lose your sense of normalcy which is clearly what has happened. So,  this is why I believe our suffering is different. 

Noreen Martin


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