65.9 F
November 8, 2024

Editorial: Supervisors cling to closed-door culture

Former Supervisor Pat Loe, who opposed the proposal to lower the minimum educational requirements for the county administrative officer, addressed the basic problem. Supervisors cannot decide this behind closed doors, she said. Nonetheless, that is what happened. The public debate was nothing but a formality, and the decisions were already made all the way to appointment.

Editorial: Fair board made responsible last call

The 33rd Agricultural District Board's first obligation is to keep the fairgrounds open for business. For that reason, and because continued fiscal cuts have placed Bolado Park's future in jeopardy, the fair board made a sensible decision by shifting primary rights for alcohol sales to the district's nonprofit foundation.  

Editorial: Fundraising is the right direction for flag reimbursement

On several holidays throughout recent years, the local Boy Scouts have put out those American flags lining San Benito Street in downtown Hollister. It has been a gracious showing of community support and patriotism. It has taught those Scouts the value of service and added another reminder for others to appreciate those who give back.

Editorial: County must let voters make pot call

At this point, the most prudent approach for the county in its ongoing legal battle with the Purple Cross medical marijuana dispensary is to let the democratic process play out at the polls while continuing to promote its message against the operation.

Editorial: Rally manager deserves long-term commitment

With about a half-year to pull it off, Mark and Yvonne Cresswell from North Carolina-based Worldwide Dynamics did an outstanding job organizing the first Hollister motorcycle rally in five years.

Editorial: Quilter’s parting excuse over RDA loss

In order to learn from your mistakes, you have to own up to them. That holds true for individuals and organizations. It is too bad that departing Hollister City Manager Clint Quilter chose his last official Hollister City Council meeting to shrug off a potential $3 million loss by the former Redevelopment Agency and its successors. On the other hand this has been his regular M.O. when confronted by bad decisions. He has always counted on disinterested city councils to accept every glib explanation.

Editorial: Trustees were wise to rescind snap judgment

It was a relief to see the relatively new Hollister School District Board of Trustees reverse course on a prior snap judgment to cancel contracts with the city's recreation program for use of gyms and fields at Rancho and Maze Middle School.

Editorial: River parkway planners were star gazing

As the saying goes, you can't have everything in life.  That apparently never crossed the mind of a hired consultant and county staff members who presented the exceedingly ambitious river parkway and regional park master plan to the county Board of Supervisors earlier this month. 

Editorial: Interim CAO jumped the gun on talks

Interim County Administrative Officer Ray Espinosa was wrong to pronounce that supervisors should consider ending furlough pay cuts and a step-increase freeze - not only because his reasoning for such financial optimism was flawed and based on one-time injections, but also because he just threw the unions a bone for negotiations and for no justifiable reason.

Editorial: With departure of officials, what’s next for Hollister?

Now that Hollister City Manager Clint Quilter and City Attorney Stephanie Atigh have both announced their resignations, the obvious question is, where do we go from here?

