86.3 F
September 13, 2024

Editorial: Supervisors take the right turn on car allowance reductions

San Benito County supervisors are on the right track in curtailing excessive vehicle allowances for department heads, but they should remain steadfast in requiring all of the top officials to follow their new policy and continue seeking other ways to cut such transportation costs.  

Building Foundation of Better Community

Folks in the Severinsen Street neighborhood have been lighting

No on 78, Yes on 79

It's an unreliable rule of thumb to vote on a ballot

A Sad Report, and a Sheriff’s Bad Call

The following deserve a Thumbs Down this week:

Baby’s Arrival Brings Memories Flooding Back

The birth of a baby is a life-affirming, heart-warming thing

An honorable life remembered

News that Marine Lance Cpl. Jeramy Ailes died fighting in

Calm and Quick When it Counts

There's still a lot we don't know about the frightening Sunday

SJB council needs to divulge the facts on Cain

Voters in San Juan Bautista will likely find themselves in a

Thumbs up, thumbs down

Cheers for the Balers; jeers for the quakes

City workers deserve praise for avoiding a strike

We want to salute members of the Service Employees International

