48.5 F
November 15, 2024

Guest View: Why gas prices keep going up

By Tom and Karen Lantz

Guest View: Changes needed for utility legislation

Last year, Governor Jerry Brown signed SB X2, which requires California’s utility districts to provide one-third of their total electricity from “renewable” sources by 2020. At the media event held for the signing of the more onerous Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) program, the Governor and the bill’s author, Senator Joe Simitian (D-Palo Alto), spoke of how great this would be for California as a world leader.

Free Lance Editorial: Candidates should share details of their agendas

As San Benito County and Hollister struggle with huge deficits and intractable long-term costs and debts that cannot be supported by revenues, it is time for the incumbents facing reelection - and those aspiring to their positions - to define the issues and explain details of their agendas.

Editorial: City should let market decide on ‘necessity’ of new businesses

For the second time in less than three years, Hollister council members haggled over an application for a new taxicab carrier in the city. Once again, it underscored the absurd notion that elected officials are deciding on the “necessity” of a new business. It also underscored that the city should amend its code and remove the demand provision when weighing any future taxi applicants.

Free Lance Editorial: City must take advantage of rally, get adviser for costs

For three years, Hollister has neglected to capitalize on its signature biker tradition and, without the annual rally, has missed out on a major opportunity for economic success.

Pinnacle editorial: At-large mayor solidifies lines of leadership

Hollister City Council members have set the stage for a monumentally important decision for voters, and one that the electorate should embrace as a step toward progress.

Free Lance Editorial: Wood punishment seems fair

While it appears as though former sheriff candidate and Hollister police Sgt. Ray Wood will receive a fair penalty of six months in jail for embezzling from the officers' union, it is also good to see that same union has addressed its lacking oversight on financial matters.

Pinnacle Editorial: County right to support developers of MegaWatt project

San Benito County officials have followed a wise path by encouraging private solar development while taking a hands-off policy toward public-private partnerships undertaken by other local governments.

Guest View: Where are unions too powerful?

One of the Hollister Free Lance Water Cooler panelists was quoted in the paper as saying “Unions, which were a god send to working people in the past have become too powerful today.”

Editorial: Hollister should set geographic limits for safety workers

Police Capt. Carlos Reynoso's use of a taxpayer-funded patrol car for his daily commute to and from work – around 100 miles round trip – underscores that the city needs a policy requiring newly hired, sworn, public-safety personnel to live in or near Hollister.

