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September 18, 2024

Building a brilliant business community

The San Benito Business Council this week announced its support of the 2017-2022 San Benito County Comprehensive Economic Development strategy. Here is that strategy’s Executive Summary. How do we build on our strengths and maximize our opportunities? How do we reach out to others who...

Scagliotti should get back on track

Being an elected official is certainly not as fun or glamorous

Businesses are in middle of potential ICE squeeze

The stories began flying last week: Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents would raid businesses across California and deport undocumented workers. As of this newspaper’s press time, the raids had not started, but the specter remains. Heightened anxiety about federal immigration policies has already intensified...

Hollister Hills has county covered

The following organizations deserve either roses or weeds this

Our land

Like the rising floods ravaging parts of Texas and Louisiana, this week ended in a deluge of breaking news. San Juan Bautista City Manager Roger Grimsley, who also doubled as the small town’s city engineer, abruptly resigned Tuesday during the city council meeting after...

Community Board: Solutions for Hollister’s helmet problem

There are three crucial components to solve Hollister’s serious safety problem with lacking helmet use by minors on skateboards, bicycles and scooters.

Trade war is a ‘lose-lose’ for our farmers

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in late March that he didn’t expect President Trump’s tariff announcements to have “a big impact on the economy.” He even went so far as to say that “what we’re doing is long-term very good for the economy.” Mnuchin...

No easy answer for raising STAR test scores

The test results posted by the many school districts in San

The markings of decay are vandalism

Graffiti may not be the most pressing issue for San Benito

DA’s Office Looks to Future

This was a historic week for the San Benito County District

