31.8 F
January 15, 2025

Community Board: Solutions for Hollister’s helmet problem

There are three crucial components to solve Hollister’s serious safety problem with lacking helmet use by minors on skateboards, bicycles and scooters.

Community Insight: Healthy, positive change in San Benito County

The new Healthy Checkout Lane at Hollister Super, Gavilan district elections, talk of road repairs and Bolado Park upgrades are all signs of progress in the county.

Community Insight: Anzar migration deserves more attention

Anzar High School has displayed enormous success as it pertains to students going to college. Like any other school environment, though, it isn’t free of challenges.

Community Insight: Biker rally; bike lanes; yoga center

With a slew of events to cover from the holiday period and after, we’re presenting an installment of Thumbs Up-Thumbs Down to indicate our support or opposition on local topics. This week, all of the selected topics incited positive responses from the Community Insight Board.

Letter: SBHSTA endorses board candidates

Dear San Benito County Voters,

Editorial: Deceptive Measure J ads distort Free Lance’s views

This newspaper's brand has become a centerpiece of the multimillion-dollar, oil company-funded campaign to oppose the anti-fracking initiative, Measure J. We wish to disassociate ourselves from those efforts.

Community board: Deception defines Measure J campaigns

While this board and its members' conflicting views on Measure J reflect the wider community's disparity in opinions, there is general agreement on one thing: Organized campaigns on both sides of the issue have used deception in trying to steer public sentiments.

Opinion page enters new era with Community Insight Board

The Free Lance's volunteer-based Editorial Board has been a voice of community opinion in San Benito County for a decade. Its members have performed a valuable service through their willingness to speak out boldly on difficult issues.

Editorial: Hollister council needs a sense of order

It appears Hollister officials have tossed their copy of the Brown Act right out the front door at City Hall.

Editorial: Two citizens stand up for their neighborhood

Delia Gutierrez and Virginia Ramos showed what civil, proud citizens could do when they recognized a neighborhood in steep decline. They took their complaints directly to the city's top brass and they did so in an open forum.

