72.1 F
September 19, 2024

Famed soldier cherished peace

Americans old enough to remember World War II, especially those

Question of the Week: 9/1

Hollister City Council recently approved an ABC liquor license for a new wine room downtown. What other types of businesses would you like to see open in the downtown district?   Charlene Hernandez: I think approving this type of establishment is a great idea! We need...

Pinnacle Editorial: Rehab program deserves support

The San Benito County Behavioral Health Department received a much-needed boost for a sober-living program that should help many individuals clean up their lives while curtailing recidivism rates of local inmates.

Community Board: Chambless has airport flying sky high

Mike Chambless wears a lot of hats for the city. In his role as airport director, Chambless has been a shining star while overseeing several important projects.

Community Insight: Healthy, positive change in San Benito County

The new Healthy Checkout Lane at Hollister Super, Gavilan district elections, talk of road repairs and Bolado Park upgrades are all signs of progress in the county.

Editorial: Parkway project is a political bulldozer

It appears nothing will stop the political bulldozer driving a far-too-costly river parkway project.

Hollister is the Cool Word in Clothing

While cruising around Disneyland earlier this month with the family, I couldn't stop doing double-takes every time I saw the word "Hollister" on a T-shirt. And it happened a lot.

Rebuild Sonoma and Napa

A company is like a family, and when disaster strikes one part of an organization—and communities we serve—it’s felt throughout. Our newspaper group publishes seven Bay Area weeklies, including the North Bay Bohemian, based in Santa Rosa. When devastating, uncontrolled flames struck Sonoma County on...

Cell phones and driving are a deadly mix

A recent study conducted at Harvard will have California

Editorial: City should fix veterans building problems before exchange

The city got itself into a mess with the Veterans Memorial Building and should fix the problems before handing them off to the nonprofit sector.

