75.4 F
September 19, 2024

Editorial: City should mandate, fund education for manager

It is all but certain that the Hollister council will hire Bill Avera as permanent city manager. The longtime city planning official deserves a shot at showing he's the right person for the job, but the council should set a new standard and require Avera to pursue a public administration degree.

Editorial: Hollister district takes prudent approach

Hollister School District leaders are taking a refreshing approach toward convincing voters to support a $27 million school renovation bond.

Editorial: Landfill decision reflects county board’s insincerity

Supervisor Anthony Botelho's statement Tuesday night to a packed crowd of residents opposing a proposed recycling park summed up the board's collective hypocrisy, along with officials' willingness to spout double talk about the environment and economics in making the case for such an arbitrary endeavor.

Editorial: Cameras worth investment for added security

If proposed five or 10 years ago, the city's idea to add dozens of security cameras may have ruffled more civil-liberties feathers than it is now.

Editorial: Refreshing change for the county library

It was refreshing to hear about the county library finally moving in a positive direction when it comes to community access, and a group of organized library supporters deserves credit for bringing attention to the problem.

Editorial: Saint Louise instability offers reminder about Hazel Hawkins

Continued instability at Gilroy-based Saint Louise Regional Hospital offers a glaring reminder about the benefits of having a community-owned hospital such as Hazel Hawkins.

Editorial: County must put aside politics, open new courthouse

When the new county courthouse is ready for business, supervisors should set aside their political playbook and open the complex.

Editorial: City will have to keep close eye on possible issues with firm

Despite potential conflicts of interest for the city's contracted attorney, Hollister-based L&G, the firm deserves the same chance as any other competitor to prove its objectivity and worthiness for the job.  

Editorial: Marley Holte would be proud of sacrifice

The Thanksgiving and Christmas meals put on by the Holte Holiday Dinners group are an institution in San Benito County. The annual dinners not only feed hundreds of needy residents each year, but they also provide a way for others to give back and for parents to teach their children the value of volunteerism.

Editorial: City turns corner on fiscal responsibility

There appears to be a new attitude at the city under Mayor Ignacio Velazquez, with several examples on display at last week's council meeting.

