Aromas weather a little too cold and foggy
In Aromas, we have now officially graduated from The Winter That
Wouldn’t End to The Summer That Never Was.
Of course, all of us in California had a very wet, very long
rainy season that lasted through June, a weird, sort of semi-El
ño period that just went on and on and on. Just as we were all
about to lose our minds, the rain finally ended, but the odd
weather patterns continued.
Aromas weather a little too cold and foggy
In Aromas, we have now officially graduated from The Winter That Wouldn’t End to The Summer That Never Was.
Of course, all of us in California had a very wet, very long rainy season that lasted through June, a weird, sort of semi-El Niño period that just went on and on and on. Just as we were all about to lose our minds, the rain finally ended, but the odd weather patterns continued.
I held out some hope of warm weather a few weeks ago when we were having lovely days in the 70s and 80s. I even went to a barbecue and didn’t freeze my fanny. That, to me, is what summer is supposed to be.
But tragically, it has ended. Outdoor parties are now few and far between, since no one wants to shiver through such things. And my shorts and tank tops have gone back in the dresser, and the jackets and sweaters have been resurrected from the back of the closet. I am not a happy camper.
It has been hovering in the low 60s here for about 10 days now, with no end in sight. It has been foggy, drippy, drizzly and drab. It’s actual precipitation out here, with wet roads and thin streams of water coming out of the drainpipes.
And cold. Did I mention cold?
The sun came out for 20 minutes yesterday, peeked through the clouds just long enough to get my hopes up, and then vanished again in a swirling gray mist.
This is why I’ve been finding excuses to come to Hollister every chance I get.
Hollister, to me, is heaven after being in the fog for days on end. Even though it’s been a cooler-than-usual summer in 95023, it’s still way warmer than where I live, just 15 miles away.
In Aromas, you just never know what you’re going to get when summer rolls around. Some summers are beautiful and sunny – in fact, last year in August it was so hot that I contemplated getting air conditioning.
And then you have summers like this summer.
Aromas (and San Juan Bautista, to some extent) tend to get fog on summer mornings. That fog line can be a wonderful thing, and most of the time, I truly appreciate being within this area of ocean influence.
Then you have these cold horrible summers, and you wonder: “Why did I ever say I liked the fog?”
I’m sure people up and down the coast are saying that a lot this year.
San Francisco, for instance, has been even colder than here, some days not even breaking the 60-degree mark.
“The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco,” someone wrote once. Although the quip is attributed to Mark Twain, my research revealed that he never said it.
Well, it’s something Twain ought to have said, because darned if it isn’t true.
With that in mind, I suppose it’s time to start building fires in the fireplace, to turn on the space heaters and get out the overcoats, because the forecast for the next 10 days is more of the same.
Of course, I realize that there has been a heat wave throughout much of the country in recent weeks, and the people who live in those places would probably give anything to be in a cool and foggy place.
There’s a lot of climate inequity going on here. Why it’s cold here and hot elsewhere, who can say? All I know is that it just isn’t fair.
Isn’t there a way we can trade weather just for a day or so? Then I’d be happy. So would my tomato plants.