These lies are nothing new from Measure N’s opponents, who have a long track record of spreading fear and inaccurate information to keep San Benito County from making meaningful progress.
Julio Rodriguez has returned to school to earn a degree in urban planning, something he knows will serve him well should he get elected to the Hollister City Council District 4 seat.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Clearly, developers have learned that they can fool us as many times as they would like by repeating the same lies and spending big money on elected officials that will help them get what they want.
Wayne Norton has served San Benito County in various public and private roles for 35 years. The Aromas Water District Director said his breadth of experience has prepared him to be the County’s next District 2 Supervisor.
The Fair Political Practices Commission is investigating allegations that a group opposing the Strada Verde proposal violated a number of campaign regulations.
A complaint filed...
A Hollister resident has filed a lawsuit against San Benito County, claiming that the ballot question for Measure N in the November election “brazenly...