Our first Red Phone caller of the week, a San Benito County
woman, told the Crimson Crusader of a county road problem that she
wanted addressed. Our caller said motorists were constantly blowing
right past the four-way stop sign at the intersection of Hillcrest
Road and El Toro Road. Our caller said that perhaps the
intersection needs new painted markings on the street to inform
drivers of the four-way stop. Our caller said the road hadn’t
received a fresh coat of paint since the time of Max Bridges, who
ended his tenure with the Public Works Department more than five
years ago.
Our first Red Phone caller of the week, a San Benito County woman, told the Crimson Crusader of a county road problem that she wanted addressed. Our caller said motorists were constantly blowing right past the four-way stop sign at the intersection of Hillcrest Road and El Toro Road. Our caller said that perhaps the intersection needs new painted markings on the street to inform drivers of the four-way stop. Our caller said the road hadn’t received a fresh coat of paint since the time of Max Bridges, who ended his tenure with the Public Works Department more than five years ago.

The Crimson Crusader called the county Public Works Department at 636-4170 and spoke with helpful office assistant Cindy Cecema. She took note of our caller’s problem and promised that someone from the Public Works Department would be out to inspect the intersection and see what could be done. In the meantime, dear caller, fret not. The Crimson Crusader is on the case.

More KFC Curiosity

Our next Red Phone call came from a Hollister man who was not satisfied with the Crimson Crusader’s answer to questions about which retailers would take up shop in the new commercial buildings on McCray Street in Hollister near Kentucky Fried Chicken. The Crimson Crusader failed to answer the question last week and reported that only the developer of the property, Richard Scagliotti, knew what stores would take up shop there. Our caller said that the city Planning Department staff must know what stores are going to be put there.

Actually, dear caller, as reported last week, that is not the case. The Crimson Crusader, always striving for accuracy, called City Manager Clint Quilter to make sure. Quilter told our hard-working hero that he hasn’t heard anything about what shops will open on McCray. Yes, businesses must obtain licenses from the city before selling wares. However, since the buildings in question are still under construction, no one is selling anything out of those buildings yet. Quilter said businesses don’t need to obtain a license until they actually open for business.

Now, since this question has generated so much interest, the Crimson Crusader has talked to numerous local residents, city officials and members of the Planning Department staff. The rumor mill contends that Applebee’s and Panda Express will be among the new commercial enterprises to set up shop along McCray. However, city officials have previously told the Free Lance the space was not zoned appropriately for additional restaurant businesses. The city has also said no national retailers have contacted the city with questions about the space. Just what stores will go in those commercial buildings remains unknown, at least to the city and the Crimson Crusader. Apparently the only man who does know is Scagliotti, but he isn’t talking.

Celebrating Mr. Twain

Another Red Phone call came from a self-described “good ol’ boy” who requested the Crimson Crusader’s help in revitalizing the once popular Huck Finn Day celebration in San Benito County. The celebration, held annually at Veterans Memorial Park in June, was all about celebrating Mark Twain and his characters Huck Finn and Becky Thatcher. Prizes were awarded to the youth that came up with the best Huck Finn and Becky Thatcher costumes. The Crimson Crusader, an avid Mark Twain reader, understands our caller’s enthusiasm for the event. However, generating widespread support for such an event is beyond the scope of our hero’s expertise.

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A staff member wrote, edited or posted this article, which may include information provided by one or more third parties.


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