I am not surprised as to the press time given lately to youth
sports, mainly Hollister Pop Warner. However, I am amazed at the
misconceptions to the Pop Warner program. It is competitive! The
only team that is considered an instructional team is the youngest
squad, the Mitey Mites. The remaining four teams are traveling,
competitive, real- hitting football teams. The rules are handed
down from National Pop Warner and our regional over-sight,
Peninsula Pop Warner. These organizations make the rules and we are
required to abide by the rules or we are out.
I am not surprised as to the press time given lately to youth sports, mainly Hollister Pop Warner. However, I am amazed at the misconceptions to the Pop Warner program. It is competitive! The only team that is considered an instructional team is the youngest squad, the Mitey Mites. The remaining four teams are traveling, competitive, real- hitting football teams. The rules are handed down from National Pop Warner and our regional over-sight, Peninsula Pop Warner. These organizations make the rules and we are required to abide by the rules or we are out. The national rule book is online at www.popwarner.com. Hollister Pop Warner is one of the premier associations belonging to Peninsula Pop Warner. We are known for our adherence to rules, organization of our home games, team spirit and a superb group of participants and volunteers. Unfortunately, we have a few parents and participants that do not understand the organization and its expectations.

Hollister Pop Warner is in its 33rd season, and continues to be one of the most popular youth sports in our area. We have over 270 kids go through the football and cheer program each season and turn away many at registration. Parents are provided with information at meetings, practices and games about the mandatory play rules, the competitive spirit and the required commitment to practices, traveling and costs. Because of the first come, first serve rule we have parents camped out two nights before registration for a place in line.

All this said, it is not a sport for everyone. There have been kids registered who really have very little interest in the activities. Practice is 10 hours per week in the summer and six hours per week during school. They do not learn the plays, they don’t follow the coach’s instruction and they are susceptible to getting injured during practice or a game. Does the coach feel good about putting a kid out on the field that is not prepared? They do the best they can.

Our family is in our fifth year with Hollister Pop Warner. This is my first year serving on the board of directors. Believe me, I was never aware of the amount of time and effort that the coaches, their staff and board members put into the season. Board meetings, coaches’ meetings, fund-raising, CPR classes, coaches training, home game setup, cleanup, parent meetings, scholastics, banquets – I could go on and on. And yet most likely, the parents complaining are those that drop their kids off at practice and you don’t see them again until they are confronting a coach or maybe just writing an anonymous letter to the local paper bashing a coach or board member.

I would suggest to these parents a few things: Research the program before signing your kid up, get involved with the program, and talk to your child about the commitment and the rules and if they are comfortable with them. My son participated in the Hollister Recreation Flag Football program for two years before Pop Warner. Everyone gets to play half the game – you get to try all positions and the commitment is manageable. That is what a recreational sport program is all about, and I highly recommend them!

In the meantime if Pop Warner isn’t for you, that’s OK, there are lots of kids that didn’t get to sign up and would gladly take your spot.

Bob Sanchez, our board president, has served for over 30 years with Pop Warner in many capacities, and Larry Murphy, our Boys AD and Pee Wee coach, has been involved for over nine years. I would like to personally thank them for their unfailing commitment to our program and community- keep up the good work.

Cheri Schmidt

Hollister Youth Football and Cheer

Board Member

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