Tree branches over intersection addressed
The city and a property owner have trimmed overgrown tree
branches that had been impeding visibility at a turn from Line
Street at Nash Road. A resident had notified the Pinnacle of the
large branches overhanging the street corner and he was concerned
about safety at the intersection.
Tree branches over intersection addressed
The city and a property owner have trimmed overgrown tree branches that had been impeding visibility at a turn from Line Street at Nash Road. A resident had notified the Pinnacle of the large branches overhanging the street corner and he was concerned about safety at the intersection.
City public works official Marcelo Orta had noted when informed of the issue that Hollister would need a waiver from the owner, and that officials would address the matter.
They did move ahead in a prompt fashion, and now the tree branches are trimmed back to a safe level.
The city by law must obtain permission from the owner before going on the property and cutting branches. Orta noted how that owner has been cooperative in the past as well.