City crews ‘do what we can’ with leaf pick-up
It is that time of the year again when the rainy, windy weather
has turned many yards and sidewalks into drop-zones for the leaves
in the area.
City crews ‘do what we can’ with leaf pick-up
It is that time of the year again when the rainy, windy weather has turned many yards and sidewalks into drop-zones for the leaves in the area.
According to city streets official Ray Rojas, the city crews “do what we can” with the resources available. The strategy is to send out the large vacuum-like machine – which picks up leaves – on the day before the street sweeper is set to address an area.
Rojas mentioned how with lesser manpower, furloughs and a recent restructuring in the department – “it makes it more difficult” to promptly address all of the leaves. He also noted how some newer subdivisions have trees that are maturing and adding to the leaf work, which usually begins around Halloween.