The parents of the Hollister School District need to know that
school board member Dee Brown and the rest of the school board are
fighting for the quality of their children’s education. At a school
board study session, Ms. Brown said enough is enough. She stated
that she can no longer vote for any more cuts in school district
Dear Editor,
The parents of the Hollister School District need to know that school board member Dee Brown and the rest of the school board are fighting for the quality of their children’s education. At a school board study session, Ms. Brown said enough is enough. She stated that she can no longer vote for any more cuts in school district personnel.
The district is working with a very slimmed-down staff after three years of cuts in district personnel.
The Hollister Elementary School Teachers’ Association (HESTA) commends Ms. Brown for her honesty and candor in dealing with shrinking district revenues. HESTA agrees with Ms. Brown’s remarks that all voters in San Benito County need to write to our elected officials and encourage Sacramento and Washington politicians to stop cutting the funding of education. Stop balancing the budget on the backs of our children and adequately fund government-mandated costs. We encourage all residents of San Benito County to write to:
n Jeff Denham, State Capitol, Rm. 4062, Sacramento, CA 95814 or se************@se*.gov.
n Simon Salinas, State Capitol Room 2175 Sacramento, Ca, 95814,
n Sam Farr, 1221 Longworth Building, Washington, DC 20815,
n Arnold Schwarzenegger, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, go******@go******.gov.
Michal Cook, HESTA president and Jan Grist, HESTA president-elect