Following debate last year among council members over rules in
the city’s facade improvement program, the Redevelopment Agency
released a new set of proposed guidelines that include such
revisions as increasing amounts of loans given to downtown
RDA officials presented the new set of guidelines to city
council members Monday. Council members directed the RDA to return
with an official proposal, with one minor change suggested by Mayor
Victor Gomez to clarify in the document’s introduction how it is
available to building or property owners in the entire RDA district
as opposed to merely downtown.
Following debate last year among council members over rules in the city’s facade improvement program, the Redevelopment Agency released a new set of proposed guidelines that include such revisions as increasing amounts of loans given to downtown applicants.

RDA officials presented the new set of guidelines to city council members Monday. Council members directed the RDA to return with an official proposal, with one minor change suggested by Mayor Victor Gomez to clarify in the document’s introduction how it is available to building or property owners in the entire RDA district as opposed to merely downtown.

Among the proposed changes, the loan amount for each applicant downtown would increase from $20,000 to $30,000 – with the building or property owners still picking up one-third of the total costs, or $15,000. The overall budget for the program also would increase, from about $100,000 allocated each year to $200,000, according to the guidelines.

The following is the list of proposed facade improvement guidelines:

– Improvements eligible for funding must be visible from a public right-of-way.

– Business owners that apply must have the property owners written consent of the improvement project.

РImprovements must make a significant change in the fa̤ade. Paint would qualify as a significant change.

РBuildings that have been constructed within the past 15 years are not eligible for fa̤ade improvement assistance.

РBusiness/building owners who received a fa̤ade improvement loan in the past 15 years are not eligible for the 2010/11 fa̤ade improvement program. Exceptions may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

РProposed work for a fa̤ade improvement that requires site and architectural approval from the City of Hollister Planning Commission must comply with all conditions attached to said approval prior to commencement of work.

– The deferred loans require no monthly payment. However, should the property sell within 10 years the agency is entitled to the principal loan amount plus interest at a rate of 7 percent per year.

РSuccessful applicant must execute a fa̤ade easement agreement with the City of Hollister Redevelopment Agency. The easement agreement document provides the agency security for its contribution to the project for a period of 10 years. The easement agreement automatically terminates on the 10th anniversary of the document.

– Projects are subject to prevailing wage as required by California State Law.

– Improvements must be completed within 12 months of approval.

– All contractors used to perform work shall have proper licenses, including a City of Hollister Business License.

РSuccessful applicants in the downtown area may receive up to $30,000 of Fa̤ade Improvement Program proceeds on a two for one match (i.e., A property or business owner that intends to take full advantage of the $30,000 provided by the program must utilize a minimum of $15,000.00 of their private funds.

РSuccessful applicants outside the downtown area, but within the RDA Project area may receive up to $20,000 of Fa̤ade Improvement Program proceeds on a dollar for dollar match (i.e., A property or business owner that intends to take full advantage of the $20,000 provided by the program must utilize a minimum of $20,000 of their private funds.

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