Yosh Toya, internationally known for his work in hairstyling,
will teach an educational seminar at Gavilan College next week.
Gilroy – Yosh Toya, internationally known for his work in hairstyling, will teach an educational seminar at Gavilan College next week.
As owner of several Yosh For Hair salons in San Francisco for more than 30 years, Toya has taught his hair cutting techniques across the world and has earned several accolades from leading trade magazines and industry experts.
Toya was born in Japan and has been an educator for more than 40 years. He is known for his three-step hair cutting process as well as his focus on creativity and openness to change in haircutting techniques. Toya’s process challenges cosmetology students to study new styles and concepts from around the world and be more relaxed as they work with individual clients.
The class will be held at 6pm Feb. 23 at Gavilan College, 5055 Santa Teresa Blvd., in room 214 of the Social Science Building. Tickets are $30 for professionals.
Interested participants should mail payment to The Gavilan College Cosmetology Department Advisory Committee and the Cosmetology Associations of Santa Clara Valley and Central Bay, P.O. Box 123, San Martin, CA, 95046. Participants will receive tickets by express mail.
For more information, call (408) 683-4131, (408) 848-4884 or (831) 724-4510, or visit www.hairweare.org.