All Creatures Great and Small founder close to losing home where
animals are sheltered
A local rescue group is in jeopardy as the founder of the group
must vacate her home by July 27
– a home that is used to house many of the dogs and cats before
they are put into foster homes.
June Hockenberry, a member of the All Creatures Great and Small
Rescue, got the word out that the group is in trouble.
All Creatures Great and Small founder close to losing home where animals are sheltered
A local rescue group is in jeopardy as the founder of the group must vacate her home by July 27 – a home that is used to house many of the dogs and cats before they are put into foster homes.
June Hockenberry, a member of the All Creatures Great and Small Rescue, got the word out that the group is in trouble. According to an e-mail from Hockenberry, Vivian Kennedy Peacock, the founder, has been working with her bank for nine months to try to keep her home but she received the word that she will need to vacate the home before the end of the month.
“Our Rescue is in need of a Rescue,” she wrote.
The group is hoping that there is someone in the county who has a piece of property with a home on it that they would be willing to donate so that All Creatures Great and Small can continue their work. The group does not have a rescue facility, as some other rescue groups do, so all the animals initially stay with Peacock until a suitable foster home is found or until the animals are adopted out.
The group takes in animals from the Hollister Animal Shelter to save the animals from being euthanized. It also works with animals that can be difficult to adopt out because they are seniors, have medical or behavioral issues or other special needs.
“Vivian has housed multiple cats and dogs over the years – too many to list, and is still continuing to this very day in spite of the agonizing dilemma of facing the loss of her home,” Hockenberry said. “The safety and welfare of the animals in the rescue have always come first for Vivian.”
Hockenberry said that as recently as two weeks ago, they assisted in placing animals from the Hollister Animal Shelter through an outreach program to other no-kill facilities or rescues.
In the past, the group has helped residents who lost their homes or were unable to take care of their pets. Now Peacock faces the same dilemma.
“Inspite of this ordeal, I can still see the blue sky and smell the roses, and feel the love,” Peacock wrote in an e-mail. “Faith can still move a mountain.”
Anyone who would like to donate to All Creatures Great and Small, or serve as a foster for dogs or cats, can visit www.allcreaturesgs.org, call 636-7559 or 628-9594, or e-mail vi**********@ao*.com.