The 76th annual San Benito County Saddle Horse Show
amp; Rodeo kicks off at 7 p.m. tonight at Bolado Park. Events
run through Sunday and feature many local talents in various
competitions. Look here for the entire list of events throughout
the weekend.
The 76th annual San Benito County Saddle Horse Show & Rodeo kicks off at 7 p.m. tonight at Bolado Park. Events run through Sunday and feature many local talents in various competitions.
The featured entertainer this year is Tomas Garcilazo, a Mexico City native and trained Charro, or horseman. Garcilazo will do two shows each day on the track at the rodeo featuring traditional Mexican horsemanship and roping skills.
The following is the list of scheduled events for the weekend:
7 p.m.: Grand Entry Parade
7:30 p.m.: Best Working Outfit, Girls and Boys 12 to 15 years
7:45 p.m.: Circular Track Race
7:50 p.m.: Jr. Western Horsemanship, Girls and Boys 12 to 15 years
8:05 p.m.: Novice Stock Horse
8:30 p.m.: Tomas Garcilazo, Charro Horsemanship & Rope Artistry
8:35 p.m.: Jr. Keyhole Race, Girls & Boys 12 to 15 years
8:45 p.m.: Pony Express Race
8:50 p.m.: Figure-8 Roping
9:10 p.m.: Jr. Reined Stock Horse, Girls and Boys 12 to 15 years
9:25 p.m.: Tomas Garcilazo, Charro Horsemanship & Rope Artistry
9:30 p.m.: Cattle Sorting
7:30 p.m.: Bull Riding
7:45 p.m.: Jr. Barrel Race 6 to 11 years
7:55 p.m.: Dally Team Roping
8:35 p.m.: Jr. Ribbon Race, Girls and Boys under 16 year
8:45 p.m.: Cowhide Race
8:55 p.m.: Cowboy Bronc Riding
9 p.m.: Mutton Busting
9:20 p.m.: Tie Down Roping
9:30 p.m.: Bulldoggin’
9:40 p.m.: Wild Cow Milking
9:45 p.m.: Jr. Single Steer Stopping
9:55 p.m.: Wild Horse Race
1:30 p.m.: Grand Entry Parade
2 p.m.: Best Working Outfit, Girls and Boys 8 to 11 years
2:10 p.m.: Circular Track Race
2:15 p.m.: Jr. Western Horsemanship, Girls and Boys 6 to 11 years
2:25 p.m.: Ladies Western Horsemanship
2:40 p.m.: Tomas Garcilazo, Charro Horsemanship & Rope Artistry
2:50 p.m.: Jr. Reined Stock Horse, Girls and Boys 6 to 11 years
3 p.m.: Ladies Western Horsemanship over 39 years
3:15 p.m.: Pony Express Race
3:20 p.m.: Figure-8 Roping
3:40 p.m.: Ladies Stock Horse
4 p.m.: Tomas Garcilazo, Charro Horsemanship & Rope Artistry
4:05 p.m.: Cattle Sorting
2 p.m.: Bull Riding
2:20 p.m.: Jr. Barrel Race Girls and Boys 12 to 15 years
2:30 p.m.: Dally Team Roping
2:55 p.m.: Saddle Bronc Riding
3 p.m.: Tie Down Roping
3:10 p.m.: Family Dally Team Roping
3:20 p.m.: Jr. Ribbon Race, Girls and Boys under 16 years
3:30 p.m.: Cowhide Race
3:40 p.m.: Mutton Busting
4 p.m.: Bulldoggin’
4:05 p.m.: Wild Cow Milking
4.15 p.m.: Jr. Single Steer Stopping
4:20 p.m.: Wild Horse Race
1:30 p.m.: Grand Entry Parade
2 p.m.: Best Working Outfit, Girls and Boys 4 to 7 years
2:15 p.m.: Circular Track Race
2:20 p.m.: Jr. Keyhole Race, Girls and Boys 6 to 11 years
2:30 p.m.: Merchant’s Event – Goat Herding
2:45 p.m.: Hackamore Horse
3 p.m.: Tomas Garcilazo, Charro Horsemanship & Rope Artistry
3:05 p.m: Pony Express Race
3:10 p.m.: Figure-8 Roping
3:30 p.m.: Open Stock Horse
4:05 p.m.: Best Appearing Cow Horse Without Saddle
4:10 p.m.: Tomas Garcilazo, Charro Horsemanship & Rope Artistry
4:15 p.m.: Cattle Sorting
4:35 p.m.: Presentation of Awards
2 p.m.: Bull Riding
2:10 p.m.: Tie Down Roping
2:20 p.m.: Dally Team Roping
2:40 p.m.: Senior Barrel Race
3 p.m.: Jr. Ribbon Race, Girls and Boys 6 to 15 years
3:10 p.m.: Saddle Bronc Riding
3:15 p.m.: Cowhide Race
3:25 p.m.: Mutton Busting
3:40 p.m.: Bulldoggin’
3:50 p.m.: Wild Cow Milking
4 p.m.: Family Dally Team Roping
4:25 p.m.: Wild Horse Race