The San Benito County Fair is expanding from three days to four days starting this year, according to an announcement from the 33rd Agricultural District.
It will run from Oct. 1, a Thursday, through Oct. 4., a Sunday.
The fair also announced the theme for the 2015 fair of “Cowboy Boots & Local Roots” as the idea provided by Hollister resident Jennifer Morris as part of the fair’s theme-naming contest held on Facebook. Morris will win free entrance and parking through the run of the fair.
According to the announcement:
Planning is well under way for all aspects of the 2015 San Benito County Fair, and Fair CEO Donnette Carter noted that many volunteer opportunities are available. Individuals may select to serve on one of the many fair committees, or sign-up to assist during the fair itself. Volunteer roles are plentiful and vary based on the interest of the individuals and the functions of the fair. Year-round volunteers are also welcome to work in the office or on the grounds at Bolado Park Event Center, home of the San Benito County Fair. For more information, please contact Carter at the Fair office, 831-628-3421.