San Benito County Fair entries are due Aug. 28, at 6 p.m. for
all categories. They include senior, junior, 4-H, FFA and Horse
show departments. The fair runs Oct. 2-4 this year.
There are many categories available for entry in the fair, from
cookies and cake recipes, to floriculture, fine arts and
photography, as well as the livestock events.
San Benito County Fair entries are due Aug. 28, at 6 p.m. for all categories. They include senior, junior, 4-H, FFA and Horse show departments. The fair runs Oct. 2-4 this year.
There are many categories available for entry in the fair, from cookies and cake recipes, to floriculture, fine arts and photography, as well as the livestock events.
Entries are accepted at the fair headquarters at Bolado Park, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., now until Aug. 28. Entries can also be mailed to the San Benito County Fairgrounds, P.O. Box 790, Hollister, CA, 95024.
Fair staff ask that entrants pay special attention when filling out the forms to ensure that they are complete. They also suggest checking the division and class numbers in the entry guide book carefully before listing them on the entry form. The wrong division or class can lead to disqualification. Separate entry forms are needed for each department.
For a complete list of categories or to submit an entry by e-mail, visit or call the fair office at 628-3421.