San Benito High School students selected their Associated Student Body officers last week in a school-wide election, according to San Benito High School District staff.
Winners were:
President: Alanah Martinez
VP: Ian Sills
Commissioner of Clubs: Kaiya Dickens
Commissioner of Social Activities: Sofia Lemos
Rally Club President: Chelsey Cameron
Commissioner of Athletics: Nico Tapia
Student Congress President: Ramon Delgado
Tickets on sale for latest SBHS drama production
The San Benito High School Drama production of “Once Upon A Mattress” will open this week in the high school auditorium (1220 Monterey Street).
The musical comedy was written as an adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, “The Princess and the Pea.”
Tickets are available for $9 at the Student Payment Center on campus. Performances are scheduled for March 15 and 16 and again from March 22-24.
SBHS science educator earns outstanding teacher honor
SBHS science teacher Donald “Chip” Gauvreau had a surprise visit from KSBW Channel 8 news anchor Dan Green last week.
Gauvreau was informed that he had won the Crystal Apple Award, which recognizes outstanding teachers on the Central Coast.
The segment was scheduled to be air on KSBW on its March 12 newscast.
SBCOE to serve as Region 5 lead for student support
For the second year in a row, the San Benito County Office of Education will serve as the Region 5 lead for the California Scale Up MTSS Statewide (SUMS) Initiative designed to scale-up a sustainable Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) in schools across the state. Region 5 is one of 11 county office regions in the state and consists of San Benito, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and Monterey counties.
MTSS is a framework which organizes and systematizes existing supports for students and provides a system for schools to identify additional ways to help students.
As the regional lead, the district trains district personnel, provides technical assistance and acts as a liaison between the state and the Region 5 county offices of education and each district.
Currently, nine of the 11 districts in the county are working with the county office of education to develop a strong MTSS in each of their schools. Through the support of the county district, nine of our districts applied for and received a grant of between $25-$50,000 to train staff and develop MTSS at their sites. One final round of grants will be offered to other districts next fall.