In addition to the new, tentative agreement between the San
Benito High School District and its teachers, administrators have
announced a decision to turn money received by federal emergency
jobs bill into additional jobs starting at the end of November.
In addition to the new, tentative agreement between the San Benito High School District and its teachers, administrators have announced a decision to turn money received by federal emergency jobs bill into additional jobs starting at the end of November.
The $645,000 received will be put aside to hire one full-time English teacher and rehire a retired science teacher – while the district still might hire two math teachers.
But the money is a one-time injection. Once it’s gone the district will have to either eliminate the positions or find new sources of funding, Rose said.
“Everyone has the same problem – class sizes are an issue,” Rose said. “We wanted to mitigate these things and with the federal money we were able to do that. We do what we can, where we can.”