Our first Red Phone caller lodged several complaints about
traffic congestion at San Benito High School. Our caller said
traffic was so backed up at the school this week that she could
hardly stand it.
Our first Red Phone caller lodged several complaints about traffic congestion at San Benito High School. Our caller said traffic was so backed up at the school this week that she could hardly stand it.
The Crimson Crusader made a call over to Laura Wiener-Smolka, administrative assistant to district Superintendent Stan Rose, who said recent schedule changes at the school may be responsible for the backup. She said motorists may want to avoid Nash Road and specifically the intersection of Nash and San Benito Street in the mornings from about 9:40am to 10am, when about 1,500 students cross Nash Road. She also said the high school is continually working to ease congestion around the campus.
The Crusader Needs Help
Our next Red Phone matter concerns the railroad crossing on Third Street in Hollister. After receiving several complaints about the rough crossing again this week, the Crimson Crusader called Union Pacific Railroad, for the second time, to report the problem. In an uncommon reversal of roles, the Crimson Crusader is asking Hollister residents for help in getting this crossing fixed. Those wishing to help our hero get this crossing fixed are encouraged to call the Union Pacific community relations department toll-free at 1-800-848-8715 during regular business hours to report problems with the crossing.
online Bill Paying Tip
Our final Red Phone caller of the week passed along to the Crimson Crusader a helpful tip for those wishing to pay their city water bills online. Our caller said that by using her bank’s online bill paying Web site, she was able to avoid paying the $1.25 online charge each month. She suggested other residents interested in paying online contact their bank to see if this method would also work for them. The Crimson Crusader always appreciates tips from readers and is happy to pass this money-saving idea along to Red Phone readers.