The downtown Hollister Street Festival and Car Show pulled in almost as many entrants July 21 as they had for the 25th anniversary celebration last year, with droves of visitors taking on the 90-degree weather.
“The turn out was fabulous,” said Denise Cauthen-Wright. “We had 219 (cars) last year and we had 213 this year. We were just really happily surprised.”
This year the winners for each of the categories in the car show were selected by other car show entrants. Cauthen-Wright said two dedicated volunteers walked up and down San Benito Street to remind those participating in the car show about the ballot process. They also collected the ballots for tallying at the end of the day.
“We didn’t hear any complaints,” she said. “We will send out evaluations to vendors and entrants so we will get feedback sometime next week.”
Cauthen-Wright said volunteers and sponsors made the show a success.
“Again it doesn’t happen without volunteers and sponsors,” she said. “It all adds up and this had outstanding people helping in many ways.”
Car show winners
1920 to 1949: Rick Christensen, Stearns Night 1929 sedan
1950s: Bob and Alice Uriquides, Chevy Belair 1955
1960s: Juan Solorio, Ford Mustang 1966
1970s: Kenny Lyngen, Ford Maverick 1972
80-present: Dave and Judy Scharton, Chevy Silverado 2001
Stock 1964 to 1975: Mike and Margaret Uriquides, Ford Thunderbird 1965
Modified 1964 to1975: Roger Sharp, DeTomaso Pantera 1972
Corvettes – all years: Ray Espinoza, Chevy Corvette 1965
Mustang/Cougar 1964 to 1975: Arthur and Maureen Anderton, Ford Mustang 1965
Camaro – 1967 to1975: Brian Cyester, Cheby Camaro 1967
Chevelle – 1964 to 1975: Jess Siordia, Chevy Chevelle 1966
Muscle Car – 1964 to 1975: Craig Bourdon, Dodge Coronet 1965
Modern muscle car – 1976 to present: Kevin Gerrity, Saleen Mustang 2007
Under construction: Richard Betancourt, Chevy C10 1960
Best paint: Chuck and Lynn Derby, Ford Delux Coupe 1939
Best interior: Russ and Cheryl Johnson, Chevy Belair 1955
Best of show: Marco Santana, Mercury 1951