Shipping season in swing
Another successful Salinas Valley Fair has come and gone and
with it came some more hot weather. The fair started off nice in
the beginning but by the end of the week, it was down right hot!
Thank goodness all the kids were done showing their animals so they
didn’t stress out too much in the heat. Other than the heat, the
fair was great and very successful.
Shipping season in swing
Another successful Salinas Valley Fair has come and gone and with it came some more hot weather. The fair started off nice in the beginning but by the end of the week, it was down right hot! Thank goodness all the kids were done showing their animals so they didn’t stress out too much in the heat. Other than the heat, the fair was great and very successful.
Despite the poor economy that the media keeps trying to remind everyone of, the livestock auction was a huge success. In fact, it was such a success that the prices were even higher than they were last year! Thanks to all the buyers who participated in the auction and for supporting the kids.
Shipping season is in full swing in South County. Cattle trucks can be seen everywhere these days. So far, everyone has reported good gains despite the lack of rain we had this year. I hope next year will be the wet year we’ve all been waiting for.
Now that the fair has come and gone, it’s on to graduation ceremonies, Bolado Park and before we know it, football season will be here too! Right after fair time I start craving Monday Night Football. Since my Broncos traded our quarterback off on the Bears, I’m going to root for the Bears this year too. I have to be faithful to the Broncos even though I don’t like what they did to Cutler, but I do like him so I will cheer him on for at least one year as he plays for the Bears.
Birthday wishes go out to Becky Doty who celebrated a birthday last week. Some of her girlfriends held a surprise birthday dinner for her at the 19th Hole in Tres Pinos last Friday night.
Entries for the San Benito Saddle Horse Show are out and will be due on Friday, June 12th. Be sure to contact the horse show office if you haven’t received your entries yet. The sorting fills up fast so you want to be sure to get your entries in early if you want to enter that class.
Have a great week, enjoy your Memorial Day weekend and be sure to give me a call or e-mail me at we********@ao*.com with any news you’d like to share.