It’s the holidays in South County
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all have something to be
thankful for this holiday season. I know some rain would make a lot
of people thankful so let’s hope and pray we get some soon!
The Salinas Valley Fair Ranch Rodeo took place last Saturday at
the fairgrounds in King City. They had a great turnout and it was a
lot of fun. Some of those participating in the rodeo included: J.W.
Brewen, John Brewen, Andy and Mattie Barrington, Vern and Jo Ann
Scattini, Kanani Barbree, Hec and Kasey Hurley, Blake Willoughby
and Jessika Silva, Nessen Schmidt, Stacey Schmidt, Lacey
Taliaferro, Val Basetti, Casey, Colleen and Kenny Sabin and Sierra
Jo, Todd, Jr and Brody Sans.
It’s the holidays in South County
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all have something to be thankful for this holiday season. I know some rain would make a lot of people thankful so let’s hope and pray we get some soon!
The Salinas Valley Fair Ranch Rodeo took place last Saturday at the fairgrounds in King City. They had a great turnout and it was a lot of fun. Some of those participating in the rodeo included: J.W. Brewen, John Brewen, Andy and Mattie Barrington, Vern and Jo Ann Scattini, Kanani Barbree, Hec and Kasey Hurley, Blake Willoughby and Jessika Silva, Nessen Schmidt, Stacey Schmidt, Lacey Taliaferro, Val Basetti, Casey, Colleen and Kenny Sabin and Sierra Jo, Todd, Jr and Brody Sans.
After the rodeo was over and the final results were in, John Brewen was named the All-Around Champion of the day and for his efforts he was awarded a beautiful, Cowboy Classic trophy saddle. It’s been a long time since John has won a saddle and was he ever excited. Congratulations John!
Congratulations also go out to Blake Willoughby and Jessika Silva who were engaged last Saturday as well. Blake proposed to Jessika on her 21st birthday and they will now be preparing for a spring time wedding. Congratulations and Happy Birthday, Jessika!
A Celebration of Life for Dorothy Harlan will take place this Saturday, Nov. 24 in the Blue Room at Bolado Park in Tres Pinos. Anyone who knew Dorothy is invited and encouraged to attend the celebration which begins at 11 a.m.
Helen Matulich hosted her annual branding last Sunday at the Pine Rock Ranch. Some of those helping Alex and Stacey brand the calves included: Doad Hext, Wyatt Bourdett and Lacey Taliaferro, Bob Coffelt, J.W. and Candace Brewen and their girls, Hec Hurley, Sandy Silva, George and Morgan Hansen, Fred, Tyrel and Shannon Rose Prewett, Ernie, Rose and Margaret Prewett and me, Todd and the kids. It turned out to be a warm, beautiful day to brand calves but we were all wishing for some really wet weather instead.
I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving weekend, remember, it’s the busiest travel weekend of the year so be careful wherever you go, and be sure to give me a call or e-mail me at we********@ao*.com with any news you’d like to share.