Spring weather delivers surprises
We had a strange week of weather last week. It went from sunny
and warm to lightening and thunderstorms! The thunderstorms came
right on time for Little League’s Opening Day in King City last
Saturday. There wasn’t enough rain to cause any delays, but it was
darn sure cold and windy.
Spring weather delivers surprises
We had a strange week of weather last week. It went from sunny and warm to lightening and thunderstorms! The thunderstorms came right on time for Little League’s Opening Day in King City last Saturday. There wasn’t enough rain to cause any delays, but it was darn sure cold and windy.
Baseball and softball season is in full swing in King City. The high school teams have been playing for several weeks. Some South County kids participating include: John and Katie Donham, playing baseball and softball for King City High School; Edwin Mendoza and Todd Sans Jr, playing in the King City Pony League and Brody Sans, Michael Krehbiel, Twyster Hurley, Wacey Barrington, Cole McFarland and Callen Williams playing in the King City Little League. Kids darn sure know how to keep their parents busy!
Birthday wishes go out this week to Nessen Schmidt who celebrated on the 13th, Les Sans who celebrated on the 14th, Heike Johnson who celebrated on the 18th and belated wishes to my good friend Marianne Madson who celebrated on the 7th and whose birthday always seems to sneak by me!
Congratulations to students from Bitterwater Tully and Jefferson schools who participated in the San Benito County Spelling Bee last week. Competing from Bitterwater were Kayla Plunkett, Michael Kreihbel, Erin Williams, Jeanine Madson and Marissa Donovan. Competing from Jefferson was Susie Miramontes. The small schools were well represented and the champion was from Tres Pinos School. There’s something to be said for small- school education!
Congratulations go to Mathew Flores who qualified in the Knights of Columbus State Championships Free Throw Contest last Saturday in Fresno. Mathew finished eighth in his division.
Bitterwater Tully School will be hosting the annual Spring Picnic this Friday, March 21st at the San Lorenzo Park in King City. The community is invited and encouraged to attend. BBQ lunch will be served and if you’d like to bring something, a salad or dessert would be appreciated. The day begins at 9:00 A.M. and will conclude at 12:30 P.M.
Have a great Easter everyone, and be sure to give me a call or e-mail me at we********@ao*.com with any news you’d like to share.