A local education icon is calling it a career. County Superintendent Mike Sanchez will not seek another four-year term and plans to retire when his current term expires at the end of 2014.
Sanchez took on the superintendent role in 2009 when former Superintendent Tim Foley resigned, and then Sanchez ran unopposed in 2010. Before that, his roles included such titles as principal of San Andreas Continuation High School, director of alternative education and assistant superintendent. Come December, he will have spent four decades with the San Benito County Office of Education, and said he is retiring to spend more time with family.
“I’m bringing my incredible career – come Nov. 4, I will have completed a 40-year career,” Sanchez said Tuesday.
In reflecting on his career, Sanchez said he was especially proud of building the alternative school, calling the staff a dedicated team.
“That program continues to be accredited,” he said.
As for areas of focus looking ahead, Sanchez pointed to the Local Control Funding Formula that weighs in favor of disadvantaged communities; Common Core Standards; and the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium.
“There’s an opportunity to develop something that is even more focused,” Sanchez said.