Supervisors on Tuesday unanimously approved a resolution that established funding guidelines and the creation of a contingency reserve for the County Service Area program while also ratifying a resolution noting the “intention” to adjust fees in those districts.
Supervisors in doing so have progressed toward restructuring the CSA program that has been plagued for years by mismanagement and accounting flaws.
The resolution calls for the establishment of reserves so that CSAs have a way of funding their own services and to ensure money will be there in case funds are drawn too low. Each CSA will have a different fee schedule based on services it requires and there will be some capital-project reserves recommended for various projects, Cox said.
CSAs are intended to fund such services as road and streetlight maintenance or sewer work. Of the 30 CSAs, the largest in San Benito County is Ridgemark, which includes 1,063 parcels. Overall, there are 2,291 parcels within the county program, according to a board staff report.
For the full story, pick up a copy of The Weekend Pinnacle on Friday.