A Memorial Day ceremony was held at San Juan Cemetery in
amp;#8200;San Juan Bautista Monday. Members of the VFW, Post
9242, and Ladies Auxiliary, Post 6359, performed services for
fallen comrades, which included a four-gun salute, a band, a
performance of ‘Taps’ and flowers placed on graves. About 100
people were in attendance and afterwards, the groups continued to
Hollister for more services and a barbecue.
A Memorial Day ceremony was held at San Juan Cemetery in San Juan Bautista Monday. Members of the VFW, Post 9242, and Ladies Auxiliary, Post 6359, performed services for fallen comrades, which included a four-gun salute, a band, a performance of ‘Taps’ and flowers placed on graves. About 100 people were in attendance and afterwards, the groups continued to Hollister for more services and a barbecue.