How many readers of this letter have ever heard of
The secret Downing Street Memo?
To this date, the dozen or so people I have asked this question
had no idea of this subject. The people I asked were mostly
politically astute.
How many readers of this letter have ever heard of “The secret Downing Street Memo?” To this date, the dozen or so people I have asked this question had no idea of this subject. The people I asked were mostly politically astute.
Bush wanted to remove Saddam through military action justified by the presence of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.
The Downing Street Memo was dated eight months before Bush sent us into Iraq. Once again, the intelligence was being fixed to fit the war policy.
Now, we have cold evidence of bending intelligence to sell us on death by the thousands, and neither a Republican Congress nor what is embarrassingly called U.S. journalism thought it worth any mention.
The London Times thought it very important.
The word Impeachment comes to mind.
Donald McDonald, Hollister