San Benito County once again gave about 4,000 local residents
their due on Veterans Day with the annual ceremony, parade and
other activities.
THUMBS UP: San Benito County once again gave about 4,000 local residents their due on Veterans Day with the annual ceremony, parade and other activities. As hundreds watched, the ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Building included an array of heartfelt speeches by veterans and local leaders. Following a barbecue to raise funds for the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9242, the parade then gave all the veterans groups and other proud organizations an opportunity to take part in the tradition. Organizers did another outstanding job putting together the day’s activities, while local residents showed the appropriate respect and honor toward those who served for our country.
THUMBS UP: Mari Davis, who passed away in July, was one of the most active, dedicated citizens in San Benito County. One of her many legacies was left with Chamberlain’s Children Center, where she volunteered for years and most recently acted as president of the organization’s board of directors. Chamberlain’s is appropriately showing its appreciation for Davis’ involvement by dedicating a park in her name at a ceremony Thursday. Nancy Kops, the current Chamberlain’s president, said it best: “This playground represents the goodwill and community spirit of Hollister residents. Mari Davis’ dedication to Chamberlain’s children also exemplified outstanding community service.”
THUMBS UP: The Hollister Police Department is continuing its increased enforcement of drunk driving on local streets by announcing it will deploy “special saturation patrols” to crack down on driving under the influence. Police can afford to further elevate their efforts because the Hollister department obtained a $71,000 grant through the National Traffic Safety Administration to do so. Already impressive increases in the frequency of drunken driving arrests should continue to climb upward on Nov. 21 when the saturation patrols officially will begin. As Police Chief Jeff Miller put it, “There will be no exceptions.”