Two teenagers were hospitalized Wednesday after a rollover
accident on Union Road.
Two local teenagers were hospitalized Wednesday after a rollover accident on Union Road.
The accident occurred at about 2:50 p.m. when a Mercury Topaz driven by Gabriel Lorenzo, 18, of Hollister was westbound on Union Road. For an unknown reason, the car ran off the road and flipped over in a field just west of Sumerset Drive.
Lorenzo and his 15-year-old passenger, whose name was not released because of his age, were taken to Hazel Hawkins Hospital and later released, the California Highway Patrol said.
Lorenzo, who suffered minor injuries to his left hand, was not cited for the accident. His passenger was not injured, the CHP said.
There was no initial indication that alcohol or drugs were a factor in the accident, the CHP said. Both youths were wearing seat belts.
The accident is under investigation.