A driver that was injured Tuesday when a big rig rolled over on
Cienega Road near Hidden Hills while transporting a load of turkey
carcasses was airlifted to a San Jose Hospital, according to a
Calfire official. The accident happened shortly after 7 a.m. in San
Benito County between the entrance to Hollister Hills State
Vehicular Recreation Area and Hidden Hills Road.
A driver was injured and airlifted Tuesday when a big rig rolled over on Cienega Road near Hidden Hills while transporting a load of turkey carcasses, which spilled on the road, according to authorities.
The accident happened shortly after 7 a.m. in San Benito County between the entrance to Hollister Hills State Vehicular Recreation Area and Hidden Hills Road, said Jonathan Pangburn, a spokesman for Calfire.
Calfire crews estimated about 150 dead turkeys on the roadside, while the California Highway Patrol in its initial report noted around 300 of them.
The driver, 36, of Salinas, had been driving a 1989 Freight Liner while headed to Salinas Tallow Co. He was airlifted to a San Jose hospital after it appears he extricated himself from the truck. He had been transporting the turkeys from a local farm.
The driver lost control of the vehicle, and the big rig overturned. He suffered five broken ribs and complained of pain, according to the CHP.
The turkeys were “all over the place,” and authorities had to sweep them into a large pile, said CHP Officer Jaime Rios. They loaded the turkeys in a truck, but it’s unclear if the carcasses were disposed of.
Responders from Hollister Hills, being so close, were first on scene. Also responding were Calfire, the CHP, San Benito County fire and AMR, Pangburn said.
While a lane of traffic had been closed, the area was cleared shortly before 11 a.m.
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