It’s time for people to wake up. There are those in our country
so out of touch with reality they wouldn’t recognize a mushroom
cloud if it was in their backyard.
Dear Editor:

It’s time for people to wake up. There are those in our country so out of touch with reality they wouldn’t recognize a mushroom cloud if it was in their backyard. They believe in a world where “we all just get along.” That type of nirvana is a great idea, except for the fact that there are Islamic extremists who want to kill Americans and anyone who does not agree with their way of thinking. They do not negotiate, there is no reasoning with them and they are not part of the U.N. They fly planes into buildings, killing themselves and innocent people, leaving children without parents.

It is time to wake up! We need to be pro-active and not sit on our hands hoping “we can all get along.” George W. Bush wants to protect our country. He is going after terrorists and anyone who harbors them or assists them in their plans. This is what Iraq is about. Saddam Hussein harbored Al-Queda members in Baghdad. There were training camps for terrorists in Iraq. There were safe houses for terrorists in Iraq. There were channels to fund money to terrorists through Iraq. These connections between Saddam and Al-Queda are not in a straight line, but you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to put the pieces together.

Our president did not lie and he did not mislead us in Iraq. Saddam Hussein was the biggest WMD himself. He is responsible for mass graves, rape rooms, poverty and torture. He was destroying his country and profiting from it, all the while assisting terrorists groups in their mission to kill anyone not like them. Using saran gas on the Kurds and Iranians is using a WMD. Importing uranium oxide and plutonium from Niger is part of WMDs. The pacifists who say President Bush lied and misled the country choose to over look these facts. Did they really expect WMDs to be stockpiled in warehouses, ready to take off the shelves? Recall that Saddam kicked out the U.N. inspectors before their investigation was finished. Recall that information from intelligence indicated that Saddam had WMDs. Not just U.S. intelligence, but Russian, British, Spanish and even the U.N. President Bush did not lie and he did not mislead our country. For an example of a true presidential lie, refer to Bill Clinton’s conviction for lying under oath.

Yes, there are WMD’s and yes, this is a moral war, as evidenced by the democracy forming in Iraq, by the freedom of women to work and study and by the thousands of immunizations for Iraqi children. Results are not easy and are not quick. It took nearly 13 years after July 4th, 1777 for this country to establish itself. There are sacrifices and roadblocks. There are unforeseen complications that will continue to occur. But the United State’s goal of a free Iraq is good and moral, and is in the best interest of the United States.

The pacifists that stand on the southwest corner of San Benito and Fourth streets on Friday afternoons forget that freedom is not free. It comes at a price. That is the harsh reality dating back to the beginning of civilization. Liberals like them continue to attach America in the name of ultra-tolerance. They bash our country and play the “victim” card. They trust our enemies more than President Bush. The Pro-Freedom, antiterrorist group on the northwest corner of the intersection is not pro-war. No one likes to see innocent people killed. They are passionate about saving America and preserving the common values that built America. They understand that in order to remain the land of the free, we need to be pro-active. Otherwise, future generations will be speaking Arab or praying to Allah.

President Bush knows the difference between good and evil. Terrorists are evil. Our intentions are good. By protecting ourselves, taking out dictators, hunting for Al-Queda, George W. Bush is looking out for the American citizen. If we offend other pacifist countries, that’s too bad. We will be safe. They will be safer too. We do not need the permission from a corrupt United Nations to defend ourselves.

How easy it is for some people to look back at past events and point fingers. How easy it is to identify errors and mistakes after the damage is done. President Bush is responding to the 9/11 Commission Report by getting different departments to work together to reform American intelligence gathering capabilities. It won’t happen over night, but it is in process. George W. Bush is protecting our nation. He is going forward. People need to wake up and accept the reality of the world we live in today.

Rebecca Jones,


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