Are you supportive of the statewide plastic bag ban for stores set to start in July that is being challenged by opponents?
Jim West: “Yes. Of all the B.S. the environmental community wants me to do—or not do—taking a reusable bag into a store is not an issue.”
Nants Foley: “Ban the bags. We can all employ reusable shopping bags.”
Mary Zanger: “Yes. Used plastic bags have become an eyesore on our highways, parks, playgrounds and recreation areas. They fill creeks and waterways and find their way into the ocean where they entrap sea creatures and birds. Moreover, they are petroleum products made from expensive oil. We need to be rid of them. Eliminating plastic bags would be a gift to our environment, our ecology and our climate.”
Cesar Flores: “Yes! It’s the will of the people. They have spoken.”
Ruth Erickson: “Yes, as it only refers to single-use, carry-out bags in all stores including grocery stores, but it does not include supermarket produce bags. Most stores now have decorative shopping bags at very reasonable prices and at many events, businesses often give out their bags free. People in many countries have been using their own shopping bags for years. We should follow their example.”