A seven-by-12-foot sign that would welcome motorists to the
north end of Hollister near the Hwy. 25 bypass is in the works at
the former site of South Valley Trailers.
A seven-by-12-foot sign that would welcome motorists to the north end of Hollister near the Hwy. 25 bypass is in the works at the former site of South Valley Trailers.
Sponsored by Leadership San Benito County, a program that trains people to be aware of and interact with their community, the sign would be located where an abandoned building now sits on the southwest corner of the year-old bypass as it intersects San Felipe Road.
The San Benito County Council of Governments, which owns the land, plans to solicit bids to sell and remove the building, avoiding demolition costs.
Lisa Rheinheimer, executive director of COG, said the two- to three-week bid process will begin either this month or next, with the hope that the small building, which also formerly housed a gas station, will be removed in the next few months.
“I’ve had a call from an interested person,” she said. “They would take the building away and remove any slab, then grade it. If we can sell it and put money back into the Hwy. 25 bypass project, great. I’d much rather have someone buy it than pay someone to demolish it.”
See the Pinnacle on Friday for the full story.