Ashley Almizon and Francisco Colmenero rang in the new year
giving birth to Jayden Anthony Colmenero, Saint Louise Regional
Hospital’s first newborn in 2011.
Ashley Almizon and Francisco Colmenero rang in the new year giving birth to Jayden Anthony Colmenero, Saint Louise Regional Hospital’s first newborn in 2011.
The infant was born 9:06 a.m. Jan. 1 at the Gilroy hospital. He weighed in at 7 pounds, 6 ounces, according to his mother. Both parents live in Hollister, and the couple are engaged to be married.
Jayden was born sooner than expected, with his due date originally anticipated for Jan. 9, Almizon said Monday from the hospital. She was scheduled to remain for five days to recover from the cesarean section birth.
Hospital staff told Almizon, 22, and her fiance Colmenero, 19, that Jayden was “very healthy,” Almizon said.
“He’s being a little pest, but he’s OK,” Almizon said on the phone while Jayden cried in the background.
Frank Colmenero said it feels “really good” to be a new father. “I’m really happy,” he said.
Almizon was in labor for about 24 hours. Doctors in the delivery room determined they should perform a Cesarean section. Almizon and Colmenero don’t yet have a wedding date nailed down, but plan to wed in the next “two or three years,” Almizon said. The couple have been together for almost two years.
Jayden’s mother was “nervous” when she realized Friday morning the baby was coming sooner than expected, but she felt better once she was in the delivery room and surrounded by hospital staff, Almizon said.
“I thought more kids were going to be born here (on New Year’s Day), so it was an honor,” Almizon said of giving birth to South County’s first baby of 2011.