An open letter to the San Benito High School Board of
I was so very disappointed in your school board meeting of Feb
22, 2010.
You failed to communicate to the parents the

Special Modified Meeting Format.

You also failed in organizing the

Butcher Block Paper Brainstorming

to assist the parents in the communication process.
You failed to provide a way for English speaking parents to
communicate with non English speaking parents.
You failed to assign group areas and provide a list of which dot
meant which group.
You also failed us parents as a whole.
You made us choose between different groups, by saying if we
save this program what program do we sacrifice.
You failed to complete your research in your budget cuts,
because some cuts will cost you accreditation or lose of funds.
You failed to exercise all options by talking to your faculty
and staff first.
You failed to account for any early retirement options.
You failed to look for any reduction in overall school energy
You failed to remove all extracurricular activities, remember
you are in the art of EDUCATION!
You failed to remove all vending machines off campus therefore
reducing energy costs, by the way the two in that cafeteria ran the
whole time during that meeting.
You failed to examine the possibility of removing Zero Period
classes therefore providing a fair and equal hit of budget
reduction across every faculty, staff and student member.
You failed by having board members who are also on the Hollister
City Board, talk about

The fox guarding the hen house!

You failed! You failed! You failed!
But, please be advised because of your failures, we as parents
have learned.
We have learned that your inability (failure) seriously
questions your ability to be a future school board
We have learned that you board members do not truly want our
children to succeed.
We have learned that all you care about is your self
Our children will succeed academically without you.
Our children will remember this day.
Our children will be the ones running the nursing homes when you
So as you lay in your retirement bed, slowing drooling and
wondering does this staff member have the appropriate education to
provide me adequate care?
Will you remember this day?
Kerrie Fleshman – Parent of Freshman at San Benito High
An open letter to the San Benito High School Board of Trustees

I was so very disappointed in your school board meeting of Feb 22, 2010.

You failed to communicate to the parents the “Special Modified Meeting Format.”

You also failed in organizing the “Butcher Block Paper Brainstorming” to assist the parents in the communication process.

You failed to provide a way for English speaking parents to communicate with non English speaking parents.

You failed to assign group areas and provide a list of which dot meant which group.

You also failed us parents as a whole.

You made us choose between different groups, by saying if we save this program what program do we sacrifice.

You failed to complete your research in your budget cuts, because some cuts will cost you accreditation or lose of funds.

You failed to exercise all options by talking to your faculty and staff first.

You failed to account for any early retirement options.

You failed to look for any reduction in overall school energy costs.

You failed to remove all extracurricular activities, remember you are in the art of EDUCATION!

You failed to remove all vending machines off campus therefore reducing energy costs, by the way the two in that cafeteria ran the whole time during that meeting.

You failed to examine the possibility of removing Zero Period classes therefore providing a fair and equal hit of budget reduction across every faculty, staff and student member.

You failed by having board members who are also on the Hollister City Board, talk about “The fox guarding the hen house!”

You failed! You failed! You failed!

But, please be advised because of your failures, we as parents have learned.

We have learned that your inability (failure) seriously questions your ability to be a future school board representative.

We have learned that you board members do not truly want our children to succeed.

We have learned that all you care about is your self preservation.

Our children will succeed academically without you.

Our children will remember this day.

Our children will be the ones running the nursing homes when you retire.

So as you lay in your retirement bed, slowing drooling and wondering does this staff member have the appropriate education to provide me adequate care?

Will you remember this day?

Kerrie Fleshman – Parent of Freshman at San Benito High School


Education should be No. 1 issue in governor’s race

Meg Whitman certainly has the right to buy the office of Governor of California. The Supreme Court has granted Corporations the right to buy any elective office they choose and wealthy individuals should have equal rights with corporations. We can hope that Californians will choose a governor who will fight to make California No. 1 in education, even if it requires raising taxes.

We can also hope our governor will fight to give California affordable, quality healthcare, even if it requires signing a “Single Payer Health Care Bill.”

Perhaps voters believe that other factors are more important than how much money you can spend to get elected.

Frank Crosby

Morgan Hill

The lights go on about intolerance

Your piece on Jerry Falek, storyteller, gave the lucky high school students an insider’s view of the Holocaust. “This is my story but it could just as easily be yours,” is a powerful statement. His family, innocent German Jews, became targets of elimination. How could that happen in the country that gave us Beethoven and Wagner, Einstein and Plank, and Martin Luther?

I hope the students will read how Goebbels, the minister of propaganda, barraged radio, newspapers, magazines, movies and cartoons with negative and inhuman depictions of Jews. Eventually the German people came to accept those distortions of reality.

I hope the students see the similarity of how our present media, radio and TV depict immigrants, Muslims and gays and lesbians. I hope the lights go on so that we can recognize our own intolerance and correct it before people panic and believe the propaganda.

Mary Zanger


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