RDA funds should focus on downtown
Gavilan College officials apparently have focused in on the old
Fortino’s building on Tres Pinos Road as the preferred location for
added classroom space. They have every right to make the choice
they believe is most fit for the school’s expansion. The Hollister
Redevelopment Agency also should, however, deny financial support
to involved building improvements if that is the case.
RDA funds should focus on downtown
Gavilan College officials apparently have focused in on the old Fortino’s building on Tres Pinos Road as the preferred location for added classroom space. They have every right to make the choice they believe is most fit for the school’s expansion. The Hollister Redevelopment Agency also should, however, deny financial support to involved building improvements if that is the case.
Gavilan officials in recent months had been considering two locations for temporary classroom expansion to complement space at the Briggs Building. Temporary is a relative term because Gavilan College has estimated it expects the full-size campus’ completion to take more than two decades. So it appears the expansion is necessary, and imminent.
The college had narrowed its preferences to the Fortino’s building and the former offices of The Pinnacle at Fourth and San Benito streets. Both buildings are owned by John Klauer, and the Hollister Redevelopment Agency has indicated it would help fund upgrades to the downtown site.
RDA officials are less eager to use taxpayer funds at the Tres Pinos Road location that now appears to be the No. 1 option for Gavilan College. They should follow up on those feelings by making it clear the RDA will not fund any improvements to the old Fortino’s building.
The downtown location makes a lot more sense when it comes to RDA support. It is centralized within the RDA’s geographical boundaries. It also fits the definition of blight – the RDA’s primary focus is reducing the number of blighted buildings – a lot more appropriately than the Tres Pinos Road building.
For the downtown as a whole, the Fourth Street building would add the greatest benefit because it would enhance foot traffic near the area’s shops. Both locations, however, would be suitable in the end because either area would benefit from added pedestrian traffic.
It is the Gavilan College board’s choice to make. They are entitled to pick the building that best suits the school’s needs.
When it comes to using taxpayer dollars, though, the RDA should draw a line in the sand and tell Gavilan officials the old Fortino’s building falls short of making the cut on the RDA’s priority list.