Hollister Hills State Vehicular Recreation Area invites residents to its 40th Anniversary Celebration. It is set to start at 9 a.m. and last until 3:30 p.m. Oct. 10 at the Lower Ranch Day Use Area, according to the recreation area.
According to the announcement:
Hollister Hills will offer free day-use access, history talks, guided tours, music, a parade and $5 camping on Saturday night.
On event day, at 9 a.m., register for an off-highway vehicle poker run. Poker runs will take place in the Lower and Upper Ranch. In addition, enjoy family-oriented activities, the new interpretive displays, other exhibits, and tasty treats from the food vendors.
Hollister Hills SVRA was California’s first SVRA and opened in 1975. Hollister Hills SVRA is a popular year-round recreation destination providing high-quality opportunities for family-oriented OHV recreation within San Benito County.
For more, call Richard Munoz at (831) 636-2065 or at