This is a response to Mr. Zach Johnson’s letter on Oct.24,
Why don’t they play at break?
The reason for the girls who are questioning this issue not
playing at break is that football is not our whole lives! Yes, we
would like to play on a team, but playing on a team is totally
different from playing at recess. There’s your answer, Zach.
This is a response to Mr. Zach Johnson’s letter on Oct.24, “Why don’t they play at break?” The reason for the girls who are questioning this issue not playing at break is that football is not our whole lives! Yes, we would like to play on a team, but playing on a team is totally different from playing at recess. There’s your answer, Zach.
Another thing I would like to address is when he stated, “The letter writer claimed it would be a good idea to start a girls flag football league. Wouldn’t this take an enormous amount of time and energy by the schools of San Benito County? Other schools would have to create girls teams as well.”
Does this mean that a girls’ team isn’t worth the time and energy? It doesn’t take that much time to sign up some people for a team and schedule games, does it? And if it does take so much time, wouldn’t equality for both sexes be worth it?
Right now, many people are claiming that there are equal rights in athletics. It’s true, both boys and girls have three sports teams just for them. Girls have volleyball, soccer and basketball. Boys have flag football, soccer and basketball. But the boys also have the opportunity to play on a co-ed volleyball team, so if you look at it this way, the boys have access to every single sport that our school offers. Whereas girls, on the other hand, do not have access to one of those sports: Flag football.
All we are asking is for the opportunity to participate in flag football. Even if it’s on a co-ed team, at least there’s an opportunity. I do agree with some of the anti-girl’s flag football people, that girls at other schools might not have enough interest to form a whole girls’ team. But why not let them play on a co-ed team? We don’t have to take away the all-boy’s team, but just add an extra flag football season for co-ed. It’s like that for volleyball, so why not flag football?
Stephani Waidelich,
San Juan School