Zazen meditation starts at Japanese Temple
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Japanese Temple Garden will start offering weekly zazen meditation classes on the forms, spirit and practice of Soto Zen with Robert Reese. It includes 40 minutes of sitting meditation, ten minutes of walking meditation, followed by dharma talk and discussion. The first session will be June 10, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., at 920 Riverside Road, in Hollister. Reese has been practicing in the zen lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi for 25 years. He has been teaching classes and workshops at the Monterey Bay Zen Center in Carmel. Details: Call Don Belt at 831-637-6361 or email do*****@ga****.com.
Entries open for Rodeo and Saddle Horse Show
HOLLISTER – Entries are now open for the 80th annual San Benito County Rodeo and Saddle Horse Show. Mail in or drop by at the Bolado Park Office to get an entry form. Sponsors are still being accepted for awards and events. For more details, call 831-628-3545 or visit www.sanbenitocountyrodeo.com.
SBC Historical Society meeting
TRES PINOS – The San Benito County Historical Society will host its general membership meeting June 15 at 11 a.m. in the courtyard in front of the Jack O’Donnell Visitor Center. Visitors are invited to attend the general membership meeting and to bring picnic lunch to enjoy following the meeting. There will be a tour of the park, where visitors can see the progress at the Dunneville Dance Hall, the community garden and hear about the Heritage Wall campaign. Details: Visit www.sbchistoricalsociety.org.
All-you-can-eat breakfast
HOLLISTER – The Hollister United Methodist Church will host an all-you-can-eat breakfast during the Hollister Biker Rally, July 5 and 6, from 8 a.m. to noon, at 521 Monterey St. The meal includes pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage patties, orange juice and coffee. Tickets are $12 for adults, $6 for kids 12 and under with take-out available. Details: Call 831-637-4240.
Retirement party for Juan Robledo
HOLLISTER – A retirement party for Juan Robledo, who has taught at San Benito High School for 39 years, will be held June 9, at the Bolado Park Pavilion. Happy hour will be from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., with dinner and dancing from 6 to 11 p.m. Tickets are available through June 1 at Postal Graphics or via Paypal online. Tickets are $20 for adults or $15 for students. Find out more on Facebook, Robledo’s Retirement Party. For more information, call Irma Albright at 831-261-0884, Becky Doty at 831-637-5831 ext. 351, or Erica Robledo-Dickens at 831-801-0324.
Buddhist lecture by Jakob Sintschnig
HOLLISTER – Diamond Way Buddhist Center Hollister will present a Buddhist lecture by Jakob Sintschnig, “Buddhist World View and Mediation Practic,” June 6, at 7:30 p.m., at 501 Talbot Drive, in Hollister. It is free and open to the public. Sintschnig has been a student of Lama Ole Nydahl since 1989 and has been teaching Buddhism since 2002. A resident of Graz, Austria, he will be visiting Hollister as part of his West Coast tour, with stops in Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas and San Francisco. Details: 831-205-1805 or email ho*******@di********.org.
Red Barn Run
HOLLISTER – The Red Barn Run will be June 9, at 9 a.m., at Casa de Fruta. The annual 5K and 10K run benefits the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Registration includes the race, a post-race barbecue lunch with water or a beer (for 21 and older participants,) a dry wicking t-shirt and a medal for every finisher. Additional barbecue tickets are available for $8 each. Details: www.redbardnrun.com.
Red Cross Blood Drive
HOLLISTER – A Red Cross Blood Drive will be held June 20, from 1 to 6 p.m., at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1670 Cienega Road. To make an appointment to donate blood, call 1-800-Red Cross (1-800-733-2767) or visit redcrossblood.org with the sponsor code: HOLLISTER.
Nominations wanted for ‘Hall of Distinction’
HOLLISTER – Sacred Heart School Foundation is seeking nominations for its Hall of Distinction award, presented annually in November during the Celebrating Catholic Education dinner at San Juan Oaks. Nominations are due June 30. Alumni, friends, faculty or staff members, current parents, board members or parishioners can make nominations. Nomination forms can be found in the church vestibule at Sacred Heart, St Benedict, Immaculate Conception and San Juan Mission.
Artists needed for ‘Freedom, Rebellion and Adventure’ show
HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Arts Council is accepting submissions for its “Freedom, Rebellion and Adventure,” a biker-inspired art show that will be on display at the Blak Sage Gallery from June 27 to July 20. Artists are encouraged to openly interpret the theme of freedom, rebellion and adventure in a range of media including sculpture, painting, photography, mixed media, printmaking and site-specific installations. The show will be promoted during the Hollister Motorcycle Rally, from July 5-6. Artists are asked to submit an artist statement with one paragraph explaining how their work relates to the theme, a biography or resume with contact information and three jpegs of work samples to in**@sa***********.org. There is a $25 application fee that can be sent via PayPal to in**@sa***********.org or by mail to SBCAC: Po Box 69, Hollister, CA 95024. The Arts Council’s nonprofit status prohibits it from promoting work that is overtly sexual, political or religious. The deadline for submission is June 7. Participating artists will be notified by June 14 if their work has been accepted with June 22 as the tentative date for installation.
Wag N Walk set for June 22
HOLLISTER – Pet Friends’ Fifth Annual Wag ’n Walk is June 22, at the Southside Sand and Gravel Plant, 5632 Airline Hwy., in Hollister, at 8:30 a.m. Residents can register online at www.active.com through June 20, with same day registration available from 7:15 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. the day of the event. Admission is $45 for a family of four or $20 for individuals through June 8. After June 8, admission is $50 for a family of four or $25 for individuals. Pets are free. For more information, call the Pet Friends office at (831) 634-1191 or Marissa at (831) 902-8660
Hollister Art League shares 50 years with community
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Art League is celebrating 50 years of art in the community with a display at the San Benito County Free Library, on Fifth Street, that includes a photographer of the group’s founder Fay Kennedy. It also includes small paintings, cards and calendars. The Hollister Art League’s Spring Show will also be on display at Mars Hill Coffeehouse, 610 San Benito St., through June. It features watercolor, acrylic and photographs. A one-person show by Carlos Munoz is also on display at Mars Hill featuring paintings of movie stars and skeletons.
Gallery seeks summer intern
HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Arts Council is seeking an intern to serve as a gallery assistant this summer, with a required commitment of 10 hours per week. The objective of the internship program is to offer practical training in nonprofit arts administration and gallery management to those interested in pursuing a career in the arts. The internship offers experience in exhibition management, design and installation, marketing, media and public relations and more. For details or for an application, visit http://sanbenitoarts.org/ or call 831-636-2787.
Local VFW seeks help for upcoming events
HOLLISTER – The VFW Post 9242 is requesting volunteers to help with the upcoming Hollister Motorcycle Rally, from July 3-7. During the biker rally, the VFW members will partner with the American Legion Post 69 to work at the Veterans Memorial Building in exchange for a percentage of the proceeds from the rally. They will also be selling food in the annex as a fundraiser. Those interested in volunteering for either of event as Honor Guard may call Paul Arballo at 636-0794 or 207-2852 or those interested in set up or clean up may call Mike Pulido at 637-6015 or 637-6670.
Docent wanted for Historical Society
HOLLISTER – The Historical Society is looking for a docent to work at the Museum for three hours on Saturdays and three hours on Sunday, except the first weekend of each month. The position requires knowledge of San Benito County history and excellent customer service skills. The applicant will need to learn the Historical Society policies and required paperwork for accessions, use and reproduction of society holdings, including content and location. For pay information or more information, call Sharlene Van Rooy at 831-635-0335.
Hollister History Book on sale
HOLLISTER – Arcadia Publishing’s “Images of America: Hollister” book is available for sale at Hollister Ace Hardware, DeRose Vineyards, San Benito Bene and Ranchers Feed of Hollister. The book, written by Joseph M. McMahon and Peter Sonne, features historical photos and information about Holliser, for $21.99.
Backpack project collections begin
HOLLISTER – The Women’s Club of Hollister is accepting donations for its backpack project. The project supplies backpacks full of needed supplies to children from infants to 17 years who are taken from their homes and placed in alternative living conditions through no fault of their own. The backpacks are filled with age and gender specific basic toiletries, school supplies, a stuffed animal and a handmade blanket. The backpacks have been donated to San Benito County Child Protective Services, the Emmaus House women’s shelter, Chamberlain’s Children Center and the San Benito County Chapter of the Kinship Center. Residents can sponsor a backpack for $40, collect items for the backpacks or send a monetary donation to : Women’s Club of Hollister, PO Box 818, Hollister, CA, 95024-0818. Details: 831-637-0362 or ac*****@ym***.com.
Get rid of bulky items
HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Integrated Waste Management Regional Agency will accept two bulky items per household free of charge on select dates this year. Suggested items for disposal include furniture, appliances, tires or other items. To participate, residents must bring a driver license or ID that identifies them as a resident of San Benito County or its incorporated cities. The bulky item collections dates for 2013 are June 29 and 30, Sept. 28 and 29, and Dec. 28 and 29, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at John Smith Landfill, 2650 John Smith Road. To confirm dates or for details on what items will be accepted, call 831-637-4515.
Meditation at the Japanese Temple
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Japanese Temple Garden, Inc., will host meditation Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m., at 920 Riverside Road, in Hollister. Details, call 637-6361 or email do*****@ga****.com.
Camera Club meets
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Camera Club is seeking new members. The club meets the fourth Tuesday of each month, at 100 Dry Creek Road, in Hollister. Photographers of all skill level who work with prints, slides or digital images are welcome. Details: Jack Marcheski, 637-3453 or 524-5912.
Singles 55+ are invited to dinner
HOLLISTER – Singles 55 and up are invited to join a dinner club in San Benito County that meets on the third Saturday of the month. The group visits area restaurants for the meal, with the choice of each month’s restaurant selected by group majority. The group also enjoys the occasional dinner at a member’s home. The group is not a dating group, but for individuals who would like to meet and socialize with others. For details on the Jan. 19 dinner, email Sandi Gowers at sa*********@ya***.com.