music in the park, psychedelic furs

The 14th annual Baler Education Foundation Fame Fest will take place from 11am to 3pm March 17 at San Juan Oaks Golf Club.

The 2018 inductee class to be honored at the luncheon buffet are: Therese Anne Burke, Michael Sullens, Bill Johnson, Kip Allen Ward, Jennifer Logue, Becky Doty and the San Benito High School football team from 1956-57.

Tickets are $55 for adults, which includes 20 raffle tickets, and $30 for students/children. They can be purchased at the San Benito High Student Payment Center, located at 1220 Monterey Street or by calling (831) 637-5831 xt. 140.

The Baler Education Foundation’s mission is to provide resources to support and enhance educational programs at SBHS by providing funds in the form of annual mini-grants for individual teachers or departments.

The foundation raises money by selling Baler Bricks with a vision to sell 1,000 Baler Bricks for $1,000 each that would establish an endowment fund of $1 million. This would allow the foundation to provide $50,000 in mini-grants every year in perpetuity, according to members. The Baler Bricks are displayed in the foyer of the main building.

Each March the annual Baler Hall of Fame Fest inducts individuals into The Baler Hall of Fame based on community nominations. This luncheon is both celebration and fundraiser. Individuals are inducted by the decade of either their graduation class year or year of service or impact to our community. The luncheon includes a silent auction and a chance to win raffle prizes donated by the community.

SBHS students visit college campuses

Forty-five San Benito High School sophomores and juniors recently went with district staff members on a four-day, three-night trip to Southern California, where they visited eight colleges as part of the annual SoCal College Tour during the recent mid-winter break.

This year, the group visited the campuses of Cal Poly, UC Santa Barbara, CSU Channel Island, Pepperdine, UCLA, Long Beach State, San Diego State and UC San Diego.

“Each day, we visited one college in the morning and another in the afternoon,” said SBHS math teacher Ben Pang, who chaperoned for the fourth time. “Everything went really smooth due to the students being so respectful on the tours, bus rides and hotels. I got to know a lot of students and learn about them as well.”

Congressional Art Competition accepting entries

Congressman Jimmy Panetta announced the 2018 Congressional Art Competition for high school students throughout California’s 20th Congressional District.

The U.S. House of Representatives sponsors this competition each spring to recognize and honor talented young artists from each congressional district across the country.

The winning entry will be displayed in the corridors of our nation’s Capitol in Washington, D.C. for one year. The winner and a family member will also be invited to attend a special ceremony with other young artists from around the country in Washington, D.C. at the end of June.

Each school can submit up to five pieces of original student artwork. Students are allowed to submit various styles and types of art, ranging from paintings and drawings to photography and mixed media pieces. The winner will be determined using criteria based on originality, skill of execution, excellence in use of materials, and conceptual strength of the project.

All submissions are due by April 25. For full competition guidelines, visit, or contact Bertha Munoz, Congressional Aide, at (831) 424-2229 or be**********@ma**.gov.

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