Name: Pietra Santa Winery
Address: 10034 Cienega Road
Owner: Phyllis and John Blackburn
Contact: 636-1991
We may not be the Bordeaux region of France or even Napa Valley. But San Benito County residents know of one sure-fire way to impress out-of-town guests: wine tasting.
And the Pietra Santa Winery, voted best winery and best wine tasting by Free Lance readers, is no exception.
Located up a path off the main road of the wine trail, the large brick building that holds the tasting room is framed with palm trees and surrounded by acres of wine grapes.
Jayme Nunn, marketing director for the winery and daughter to the owners, said one of the main attractions of Pietra Santa is the beauty of the winery itself.
Phyllis and John Blackburn purchased the winery two years ago.
“We have a beautiful tasting room and we added a really nice picnic area because the views to the valley are so pretty,” Nunn said. “And we want people to come and enjoy it.”
The winery, visited by anywhere from a dozen to 50 people in a day, offers fleets of wine tastings for both the wine conessouir and those who don’t know a Pinot from a Zinfandel.