Events planned locally in May encourage healthy activities
The 18th annual San Benito County Bike Week in May will formally begin this Saturday with a “Walk N’ Roll” event in the Kmart parking lot on Tres Pinos Road.
The event, held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., will feature a free bicycle repair clinic sponsored by TurningWheels for Kids, a nonprofit organization established to provide needy children with new bicycles and to encourage lifelong habits of exercise and outdoor activity.
The Walk N’ Roll event will also offer bicycle licenses, $5 helmets for people with a WIC or Medi-Cal card, and bicycle and helmet raffles.
The county’s Bike Week will be held May 7-13, is designed to encourage people to get out of their cars and get on their bikes to save gas and to promote fitness. On Bike to Work Day, May 10, locals can ride their bike to either Subway restaurant in town or stop by the Briggs Building lawn at Fourth and San Benito streets from 7-9 a.m. for a free breakfast.
Thursday, May 10 is Bike to School Day, and a community bicycle ride will be offered on Saturday, May 12 at 8 a.m.
During Bike Week, people who ride their bike to a bus stop along the County Express route will receive 25 cents off any ride.
For more information on Bike Week, visit www.bike2work.com or contact Veronica Lezama at 637-7665 email her at ve******@sa**********.org.