Arm wrestling draws more than 100 competitors from 10 states
Bikers weren’t just sore from sitting too long during the drive to the Independence Day Rally in Hollister.
More than 100 competitors took a break from riding to try their hand at arm wrestling. For some, the highlight of their trip was the competition.
People from 10 states competed in the event. There were competitor who came from as far away as New York and Hawaii.
Three table were set up on the main stage on Sixth Street, and two judges per table were quick to jump on the earlier starts and fouls.
Some wrestlers preferred to throw their body into it, while others preferred to wrap their legs around the table to gain leverage.
Allen Fischer, who won the 156-175 weight group, brought his 12-year-old son Austin to watch him compete.
Fischer and his family are on a 4 1/2 week vacation. Fischer left at 4:30 a.m. Saturday from Bodega Bay, where he left his wife and daughter to come to the rally.
“My jaw hit the ground when I saw how many people were here this year,” Fischer said. “This event seems to be one of the most popular events.”
Fischer has traveled around the world competing in arm wrestling competitions, recently winning an open competition in Las Vegas.
“That was tough,” Fischer said. “You have to be mentally pumped up. I haven’t really trained real hard the last year.”
Some of the same faces appear at meets time after time. Although the competitors exchange pleasantries outside the ring, they are fierce competitors when they lock arms and test their subscapular muscles.
Kenny Hughes, who has been wrestling about eight years, is one of those competitors who Fischer has a history with. When Hughes was just 17, he defeated Fischer in the nationals, but Fischer has usually held the upper hand since.
One couple like Mike McGraw and his wife have been traveling around the nation competing together for five years. They even competed in an arm wrestling tournament in Hawaii for their honeymoon.
When it came to the King of the Hill part of the competition, no one could match arms with Eric Woelfel from Petaluma. One by one, Woelfel topped the most skilled of arm wrestlers in each category, starting with the heaviest and going to the lightest – who had no chance whatsoever.
Fischer was able to lock arms with him briefly and gave him one of his toughest matches. But Woelfel and his 19 inch arms eventually got the best of Fischer, who tops out at 16 3/4. Woelfel was almost double Fischer in weight.
“You just have to try to catch your breath and get some oxygen,” Woelfel said after picking up four keys for the motorcycle by beating all challengers. “You can’t go too long with each one because you don’t want to let yourself get tired.”
Crowds began packing the stage for the final drawing to see who would win the two bikes being given away. Of course, the upcoming pageant a half hour a way drew its fair share as people wanted to get the best spot.
The first-place winner in each category won a leather vest and received an award. Each of the winners also received a key for a motorcycle after winning each of their events.
There were 14 keys given out, and each winner hoped his or hers was the lucky one. Scott Nelson won the mini Harley and Woefel won the Harley Sportster. Both bikes were donated.
Organizer Bill Collins, who has won four national titles himself and has wrestled for Team USA, said the event was a success.
“This is the biggest event in California money wise and prize wise,” Collins said. “We’re looking to make it better next year. There were twice the number of people this year both competitors and spectators. There is no reason why next year we shouldn’t double the amount of people again.”
Arm Wrestling results
Men’s Amateurs
Under 154
First: Kevin Reynalds
Second: Anthony Kinleger
Third: Anthony Bellomini
First: Tim McGraw
Second: Pablo Payan
Third: Richard Prescott
First: Scott Nelson
Second: Aaron Mejia
Third: Ryan Weever
First: Brady Holbren
Second: Brant Topie
Third: Barrett Smallwood
Ladies Pro-Am
Under 140
First: Judy Dood
Second: Jerri McGraw
Third: Jennifer Hoffert
Men’s left Pro-Am
Under 154
First: Luke Kindt
Second: Anthony Bellomini
Third: Matthew Rich
First: Allan Fischer
Second: Mike McGraw
Third: Duane Patheal
First: Mike Selaris
Second: David Owens
Third: Robbie Topie
First: Eric Woelfel
Second: Tom Nelson
Third: Arthur Schmidt
Men’s right Pro-Am
Under 135
First: Simon Berriochoa
Second: Larson Graff
Third: Chet Statt
First: Luke Kindt
Second: Michael Boilan
Third: Kevin Lasley
First: Allen Fischer
Second: Mike McGraw
Third: Paul Alexanderian
First: Mike Solares
Second: Kenny Hughes
Third: John Shaw
First: Tom Nelson
Second: Ryan Hutching
Third: Tony Shaw
First: Eric Woelfel
Second: Arthur Schmidtt
Third: Brady Holbein