Pinnacles interns
PAICINES – Pinnacles National Park is seeking part-time to full-time interns (8-40 hours/week) for the Habitat Restoration Program. Interns will assist the Vegetation Crew in habitat restoration projects including invasive plant removal, native seed collection and propagation, collecting and maintaining monitoring data, and mapping using GPS and GIS. Minimum commitment of one 8-hour day per week for three to six months. No housing is provided. Weekly stipend and mileage reimbursement may be available for some positions. Positions begin Feb. 25. To apply submit a statement of interest, resume, and contact information for 3 references to Je************@np*.gov Deadline: Feb. 15 (Applications received after Feb. 11 will be considered for future positions.) For more information contact Jennifer Tiehm at the above email.
Churches offer Ash Wednesday service for commuters
HOLLISTER – On Feb. 13, from 5:30 to 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., five local churches will participate in a drive by service for Ash Wednesday in the parking lot of Abundant Life, 790 Bolsa Road, of Hwy. 25. Cars will circulate through the parking lot while teams from the various churches go to each car to offer prayer and the administration of ashes. Visitors will receive a prayer pamphlet that offers background on the Ash Wednesday tradition. Participating churches include St. Luke’s Espiscopal Church, Abundant Life Foursquare, First Presbyterian, Hollister United Methodist and Sacred Heart/St. Benedict’s Catholic Church. For more information, visit www.hollisterepiscopal.com, email st****@ga****.com or call 831-637-7570.
Mardi Gras dinner and dance
HOLLISTER – Community Food Bank will host its Mardi Gras dinner, dance and silent auction Feb. 23, from 6 to 10:30 p.m., at San Juan Oaks Golf Club. Tickets are $100 per person. Tickets are available at Community Food Bank, Postal Graphics, She’s and online at Communityfoodbankofsbc.org. A prize will be awarded for best costume.
Fundraiser for ‘Uncle Joe’ Fahy
HOLLISTER – Friends and family will host a fundraiser for “Uncle Joe” Fahy, Feb. 24, from 1 to 6 p.m., at Daisy’s Saloon, in San Juan. Fahy has been undergoing treatment for cancer. Tickets for a chicken barbecue ar $12 and includes beans, rice, salad and garlic bread, with carry out available. Entertainment will be provided by Aaron and Second Wind Band, from 3 to 7 p.m. The event will include a drawing for a Samsung 51” Plasma 720p 600Hz HDTV, a 50/50 drawing, raffle prizes and a bake sale.
Children’s musical auditions
Hollister – San Benito Stage Company will hold auditions for its youth musical “Treasure Island,” Feb. 8 at 4 p.m., and Feb. 9 at 9 a.m., with call backs on Feb. 10, at the Hollister United Methodist Church, 521 Monterey St., in Hollister. The show is open to children ages 6 through eighth grade. Children should be prepared to sing one to two verses of a song and are asked to bring sheet music or a music only CD. Details: Visit www.sanbenitostage.org or call 831-636-0122
Calling all artists for Open Studios meeting
HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Arts Council will host an informational meeting for the annual Open Studios Art Tour Feb. 9, at 1 p.m., at the Blak Sage Gallery, 727 San Benito St. in downtown Hollister. This meeting is open to all past and prospective artists and will cover important dates, deadlines and new information regarding this year’s tour and exhibition. Please come with your ideas, questions and suggestions. For questions or more information please feel free to contact the Arts Council at in**@sa***********.org or call at 636-2787.
AARP tax aide starts Feb. 11
HOLLISTER – The AARP Tax-Aide program offers free personal tax counseling and preparation assistance to taxpayers of low-to-middle income, with special attention to those ages 60 and older. Volunteers will be available to assist residents on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Feb. 11 thru April 10, at the Hollister Community Center, 300 West St. Please call ahead to make an appointment. Participants should bring their photo identification and Social Security cards or ITIN documents for each individual on their return, along with any tax documents they have received in the mail, last year’s return, and all relevant information on income and expenses. Volunteer counselors are not trained to assist in preparing tax returns that report business, rental or partnership income
Champagne Tea and Treasures
HOLLISTER – The Friends of the San Benito County Free Library and Women’s Club of Hollister will host the annual Champagne Tea and Treasures Silent Auction and Drawing March 15, from 1 to 3:30 p.m., in the Oak Room at San Juan Oaks Golf Club. Tickets are $30 per person. Bring an item for the silent auction and receive a free ticket for the drawing. Additional tickets available for purchase. Details: Call 831-205-1373.
San Benito County Heart Day
HOLLISTER – Learn how to save lives with Hands Only CPR for free, Feb. 14, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Hollister Fire Department Station 1, 110 Fifth St., in Hollister. The event is sponsored by the Hollister Fire Department, American Medical Response, Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital, American Red Cross and San Benito County
‘Wonderland: The Alice Story’
Fifth Wall Theater Project presents “Wonderland: The Alice Story” Feb. 15-23, at the Wisteria Room at the Ridgemark Golf and Country Club, 3800 Airline Hwy. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for students, public workers and Ridgemark residents with a valid ID. VIP seating at a cocktail table is available for $20, which includes a wonderland treat at intermission. Details: 831-204-0193 or email bo*******@fi*********************.com.
SBSC presents ‘Spamalot’
The San Benito Stage Company will present Monty Python’s “Spamalot” Feb. 15, 16, 22, 23 and March 1, 2 at 7 p.m., at Feb. 17 and 24 at 2 p.m., at the Granada Theatre, 336 Fifth St., in Hollister Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 for seniors and students. The show is rated PG-13. Group packs of four tickets are available for $45 in advance. Tickets are available at Postal Graphics and San Benito Bene. Details: 636-0122 or www.sanbenitostage.org.
Crab feed
HOLLISTER – The Knights of Columbus San Benito Council 1792 will hold a crab feed Feb. 16 at Casa Maria, in San Juan Bautista. Cost is $35 per person with entertainment, dinner and raffles included in the ticket price. Soda and water will be available for $1. Doors open at 4 p.m., with dinner served at 5 p.m. The meal includes crab, pasta, salad, bread, ice cream and coffee. No host bar sponsored by the Mission San Juan Bautista parish. No tickets sold at the door. Call Robert at 673-7113 or Mark at 902-9218 for tickets or more information.
San Juan parish hosts blood drive
HOLLISTER – Old Mission San Juan Bautista parish will sponsor its sixth annual community blood drive Feb. 17, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Casa Maria at the Old Mission, 600 First St., San Juan Bautista. The bloodmobile will be located in the parking lot and blood will be drawn by the staff of Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula’s Blood Center. Potential blood donors must be 17 years of age and above. There is no upper age limit for healthy people, but, all donors must be in good health and weigh at least 110 pounds. In addition, potential donors should bring a photographic identification and have eaten and drunken fluids prior to presenting themselves at the registration table. For specific and/or personal questions regarding eligibility or donating, please call Community Hospital’s Blood Center at (831) 625-4814.
Send in student art for Women’s Club contest
HOLLISTER – The Women’s Club of Hollister is holding its annual student art and photography contest on Feb. 13, at San Juan Oaks. The art contest is open to San Benito County students grades kindergarten thru graduating senior. The photography contest is open to middle school thru high school senior. Entries compete at the club level and then the winners advance to the Loma Prieta District contest to be held on March 11 in Palo Alto and then the California state contest. If you have a student entry, please call Jeanne Liem at 831-801-2020 or Cindy Biesemeyer at 831-637-0362 or email ac*****@ym***.com for more information and an entry form.
Casino trip fundraiser
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Seniors Group is having a fundraiser trip to Table Mountain and Chucksani Indian Casinos on March 2. Departure is 6:30 a.m. from the Hollister Community Center, 300 West St. The cost is $30 per person. Each participant gets $10 in e-cash, a $5 food voucher and $5 free play from Table Mountain. Anyone over 21 is welcome. For information call Pauline at (831) 637-9275 or Dolly at (831) 637-1980.
Merit badge university
HOLLISTER – Hollister Boy Scout Troop 436 will hold its third annual Merit Badge University March 9 at Sacred Heart School. Interesting merit badges such as Animal Science, Fingerprinting, Cinematography, Pulp & Paper, Fire Safety, Scholarship, Dentistry, Art, Public Speaking, Music and Law are being offered. Registration is open on a first come basis to all ranks of Boy Scouts. Details 636-6810 or kr******@ch*****.net.
Fellowship open to local students
HOLLISTER – The Center for California Studies is offering a fellowship program for recent college graduates with a bachelor’s degree. The opportunities include the Jesse Marvin Unruh Assembly Fellowship, Senate, Executive and Judicial fellowships. Applicants must be 20 years of age by Sept. 1, 2013. Graduate, postgraduate and mid-career applicants are also welcome. The deadline to apply for a fellowship is Feb. 11, with each fellowship having its own requirements. The fellowship runs 11 months, with health benefits and a monthly stipend of $1,972.
For more information about the programs, visit http://www.csus.edu/calst/capital_fellows_programs_overview.html.
Camera Club meets
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Camera Club is seeking new members. The club meets the fourth Tuesday of each month, at 100 Dry Creek Road, in Hollister. Photographers of all skill level who work with prints, slides or digital images are welcome. Details: Jack Marcheski, 637-3453 or 524-5912.
Singles 55+ are invited to dinner
HOLLISTER – Singles 55 and up are invited to join a dinner club in San Benito County that meets on the third Saturday of the month. The group visits area restaurants for the meal, with the choice of each month’s restaurant selected by group majority. The group also enjoys the occasional dinner at a member’s home. The group is not a dating group, but for individuals who would like to meet and socialize with others. For details on the Jan. 19 dinner, email Sandi Gowers at sa*********@ya***.com.