The Homeless Coalition of San Benito County will host its eighth annual Jazz Under the Stars fundraiser July 27.
Jazz Under the Stars
HOLLISTER – The Homeless Coalition of San Benito County will host its eighth annual Jazz Under the Stars fundraiser July 27, from 6 to 9 p.m., at St. Benedict’s Hall, 1200 Fairview Road. The event will feature Magnolia Jazz Band, food, wine and a silent auction. Tables are available for 10 people for $500 or individual tickets are available for $50 per person. Diamond Sponsors get a table for 10 for $1,000. The event is outdoors and is open to guests 21 and older. To RSVP, call Doug Emerson at 831-637-8399.
Street Festival, Car Show and Swap Meet
HOLLISTER – The 27th annual Downtown Hollister Street Festival and Car Show is July 20, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in downtown Hollister. Admission and parking is free, with guests welcome to free watermelon. The event will feature specials and sales at downtown merchants and restaurants, live entertainment on two stages, food concessions, raffle prizes, car displays and more. New this year there will be a beer and wine garden. Details: Visit www.downtownhollister.org/streetfestival.php or call (831)636-8406.
Legion Auxiliary hosts membership drive
HOLLISTER – The American Legion Auxiliary will hold its second annual membership drive July 20 at the 27th annual Street Festival and Car Show. There will be a raffle prize and free gifts while supplies last. Visitors can learn about the programs and activities of the Auxiliary.
Small engine and tractor show
HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Historical Society and Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Assoc., Branch 3 present the ninth annual Small Engine and tractor show July 27, at the San Benito County Historical Park. Admission is free. The event features exhibits, demonstrations, antique engines and tractors, historical village tours, wagon and buggy displays, a kids’ playground and more. Details: (831)902-9349
Local band competes for chance at Memphis show
HOLLISTER – Local blues band the Bornia Boys will perform in a battle of the bands July 21, from 2 to 6 p.m., at McGovern’s Bar in San Mateo in round one of a competition to see which band will represent the Golden Gate Blues Society at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis in January 2014. . The winner of the competition at McGovern’s will compete against other Bay Area bands in the finals. The Bornia Boys played at the recent Hollister Biker Rally and at the Monterey Blues Festival. The competition will be judged partially on listeners votes as well as a judging panel. The show is $15 for non-members or $5 for members of the Golden Gate Blues Society. Details: Visit www.tggbs.org/ibc.cfm.
Financial literacy workshops
HOLLISTER – San Benito County will host a financial literacy workshop four times this year, at the San Benito County One-Stop Career Center, 1111 San Felipe Road, Ste. 107, in Hollister. The workshops will cover money management and household budgeting; credit, debt and loan management; bank account information; education and college planning; and homeownership and rental housing. The workshop is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and will be offered July 22, Aug. 12, Sept. 16 and Oct. 14. Participants can attend the full workshop or select the topics they are interested in. For details on the scheduleor to RSVP, call Christopher “C.J.” Valenzuela at 831-636-4316 ext. 13 or email cv*********@co**.us.
Open mic night
HOLLISTER – An open mic night will be held July 19, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Blak Sage Gallery, 757 San Benito St. Poetry, prose, spoken word and other genres are welcome in any language or style. The event is co-sponsored by San Benito County Arts Council, Blak Sage Gallery of Fine Art and Joe Navarro. For details, call Navarro at 831-634-0263.
‘Shrek the Musical’
HOLLISTER – San Benito Stage Company presents “Shrek the Musical” from July 12-27. The show features actors ages 8 and up. Tickets are available in advance at Postal Graphics or San Benito Bene. For more information, call 831-636-0122.
SBHS scholarship fundraiser hosted July 20
TRES PINPS – The Class of 1971 scholarship fundraiser committee will host a Mexican buffet lunch July 20, from noon to 4 p.m., at Bolado Park Golf club. The event features the meal, a silent auction and a raffle. Lunch is $25 per person. To reserve a seat, email Rudy Bermudes at ru*****@ho*****.com. If you would like to prepay for lunch, send a check to Debbie (Carrillo) Villalon, 6875 Santa Ynez Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422. Make checks payable to: Class of 1971 Scholarship. Everyone is welcome.
Casino trip fundraiser
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Senior Center is having a fundraiser trip to Chukchansi and Table Mountain Indian casinos Aug. 3. Departure is 6:30 a.m., from the Hollister Community Center, 300 West Street. The cost is $30 per person. Each participant gets $10 in e-cash, a $5 food voucher and $5 free play from Table Mountain. The trip is open to anyone 21 and older. Advance registration required. For more information, call Pauline at 831-637-9275 or Dolly at 831-637-1980.
Hollister Big Latch On
HOLLISTER – Breastfeeding mothers can participate in Hollister’s Big Latch On event Aug. 3, at 10 a.m., with an official count at 10:30 a.m., at the Vista Hill Park Community Garden, 446 Hill St., in Hollister. Details: Visit www.biglatchon.org or email ga******@ex****.com.
Mommy and Me Yoga
HOLLISTER – A Mommy and Me Yoga class will be held Aug. 8, from 10 to 11 a.m., at the Vista Hill Park ball fields, 600 Hill St. Bring a yoga mats and children. $5 donation is encouraged, but not required. Beginners welcome. Details: ga******@ex****.com
Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival
TRES PINOS – The Northern California Bluegrass Society will host the 20th Annual Good Old Fashioned Blue Grass Festival at Bolado Park Aug. 8-11. Advanced tickets are available online for three-day, two-day or one-day admission. Details: Visit www.scbs.org
Health Foundation hosts community open house
HOLLISTER – The San Benito Health Foundation will host a community open house Aug. 14, from 4 to 7 p.m., at 351 Felice Drive, in Hollister. The theme for this year’s National Health Center week is “Transforming Health Care in our Local Communities.” Residents can learn more about services and programs offered in San Benito at the event. Details: (831)637-5306.
Aromas Day
HOLLISTER – Aromas Day will be Aug. 25. The day includes a pancake breakfast at the Aromas Grange, from 7 to 11 a.m., with a street fair from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event will feature arts and crafts vendors, a classic car show, food booths that will raise money for local nonprofits, a petting zoo and more. Admission is free. Details: Call Cara at (831)588-9407 or visit www.AromasDay.com.
Zazen meditation starts at Japanese Temple
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Japanese Temple Garden will start offering weekly zazen meditation classes on the forms, spirit and practice of Soto Zen with Robert Reese. It includes 40 minutes of sitting meditation, ten minutes of walking meditation, followed by dharma talk and discussion. The sessions are Monday from 7 to 8:30 p.m., at 920 Riverside Road, in Hollister. Reese has been practicing in the zen lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi for 25 years. He has been teaching classes and workshops at the Monterey Bay Zen Center in Carmel. Details: Call Don Belt at 831-637-6361 or email do*****@ga****.com.
Docent wanted for Historical Society
HOLLISTER – The Historical Society is looking for a docent to work at the Museum for three hours on Saturdays and three hours on Sunday, except the first weekend of each month. The position requires knowledge of San Benito County history and excellent customer service skills. The applicant will need to learn the Historical Society policies and required paperwork for accessions, use and reproduction of society holdings, including content and location. For pay information or more information, call Sharlene Van Rooy at 831-635-0335.
Rideshare launches new website
HOLLISTER – San Benito RideShare has launched a new website to make it easier for San Benito County residents or visitors to find information about travel options. RideShare is a project of the Council of San Benito County Governments and its new webstie is www.SanBenitoRideShare.org. The site provides commuters with a free matchlist through an interactive, on-demand system that helps people find others who would like to ride to work together through carpools, vanpools or bicycles.
Hollister History Book on sale
HOLLISTER – Arcadia Publishing’s “Images of America: Hollister” book is available for sale at Hollister Ace Hardware, DeRose Vineyards, San Benito Bene and Ranchers Feed of Hollister. The book, written by Joseph M. McMahon and Peter Sonne, features historical photos and information about Holliser, for $21.99.
Get rid of bulky items
HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Integrated Waste Management Regional Agency will accept two bulky items per household free of charge on select dates this year. Suggested items for disposal include furniture, appliances, tires or other items. To participate, residents must bring a driver license or ID that identifies them as a resident of San Benito County or its incorporated cities. The bulky item collections dates for 2013 are Sept. 28 and 29, and Dec. 28 and 29, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at John Smith Landfill, 2650 John Smith Road. To confirm dates or for details on what items will be accepted, call 831-637-4515.
Meditation at the Japanese Temple
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Japanese Temple Garden, Inc., will host meditation Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m., at 920 Riverside Road, in Hollister. Details, call 637-6361 or email do*****@ga****.com.
Camera Club meets
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Camera Club is seeking new members. The club meets the fourth Tuesday of each month, at 100 Dry Creek Road, in Hollister. Photographers of all skill level who work with prints, slides or digital images are welcome. Details: Jack Marcheski, 637-3453 or 524-5912.
Singles 55+ are invited to dinner
HOLLISTER – Singles 55 and up are invited to join a dinner club in San Benito County that meets on the third Saturday of the month. The group visits area restaurants for the meal, with the choice of each month’s restaurant selected by group majority. The group also enjoys the occasional dinner at a member’s home. The group is not a dating group, but for individuals who would like to meet and socialize with others. For details on the Jan. 19 dinner, email Sandi Gowers at sa*********@ya***.com.